Design errors

Va una interesante notita de sobre algunos de los más famosos -y caros- errores de diseño que se conocen, cometidos por empresas que parecerían ser tan grandes y existosas como para pensarlas incapaces de cometerlos (Google y Yahoo, específicamente). Y sin embargo los cometen…

Why developers cannot afford to ignore design

We developers sometimes take design for granted. And let’s be honest: who doesn’t hate taking things for granted.

Some say we will never truly appreciate the importance of design until we have been trained in the essence of design and beauty. Well, I say BS to that. I want to break us our of this box and clear away the cobwebs from our code-oriented minds.

Development, by its very nature, reflects the knowledge base of the person in charge. And the skills required to develop such a knowledge base can leave us in the dark about design. Developers often sweep design under the rug in order to be able to learn the intricacies of PHP and MySQL.

But as someone who has been writing code for 13 years, I can tell you it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, many of the world’s greatest developers have an excellent grasp of UI and UX and of what their users want. The best way to get a handle on it is to figure out what you want in a UI…

Design errors

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