The Quiet Nights Orchestra

Dentro del Jazz el sub-género fusión es muy amplio y ambiguo. Hay cosas muy buenas como muy malas. Hay propuestas con apenas un poco de influencias externas y otras que de plano son “más Fusión que Jazz”. Esta banda sueca seguro es de lo bueno. Y esta canción en particular le puede alegrar la mañana a cualquiera. Enjoy…

The Quiet Nights Orchestra hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, released their debut album “Chapter One” all over the world in 2009 and it has not left anyone indifferent. The album proved above all that jazz is not an outdated genre and definitely not exclusive to jazz clubs alone. The band has always tried to find new ways of expression in their music but still glimpses back to classic jazz, maintaining the roots and pushing the envelope at the same time. This sounds clearly in their sequel, and instead of stomping in the same footsteps as their debut album, they have now developed their sound in the new album Movin’! This time, more band members moved into the composer room, which also demonstrates that the band is not a one man show!

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