Invisible bicycle helmet

La tecnología de las bolsas de aire automotriozes aplicada a este accesorio para bicicleta donde, de la misma manera, el casco sale solo cuando hace falta. Solo la prueba del tiempo (y del uso) podrá decir si inventos como estos son geniales o estúpidos. Me encanta la idea poder “conservarlos” aquí con esa dualidad en su futuro…


People die trying to look cool. Vanity is the sad reason why people don’t wear bike helmets. So two Swedish women set out to invent “the invisible bicycle helmet”, They’ve succeeded, and the end product isn’t a made of clear plexiglass and there’s no lightbending-stealth technology. In fact it’s not really a helmet at all.

 is a rapidly-inflating airbag that deploys from a collar around your neck when you’re in an accident. Here’s how it works, and a video demonstrating this amazing, but still expensive, invention.

The invisible bicycle helmet uses rechargeable battery-powered accelerometers and gyroscopes that detect the typical motions involved in a bike crash. They trigger a tiny gas inflator which instantly fills a nylon airbag with helium. The bag forms a hood around your head that cushions the impact of the street, a car, or anything else you slam into

Invisible bicycle helmet

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