Dicken’s last novel

¿Se atreven a leer un libro escrito por un fantasma?
Resulta que la última novela de Dickens (“El misterio de Edwin Drood”, 1870) es la única novela del mundo que terminó de ser escrita por un Charles Dickens… ya muerto. O eso es lo que se cree, como se explica en este compendio de Listverse sobre misterios sin resolver relacionados con fantasmas y cosas del  más allá…


When Charles Dickens died at age 58, he had been hard at work on a new novel, which was to be called The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The story was a murder mystery, with the titular Edwin vanishing and presumed dead. Unfortunately, Dickens succumbed before the book was finished. There were several attempts by other writers to finish the tale, including one version by Charles Dickens Jr.

The weirdest version was penned by a printer from Vermont in 1873. The man, named Thomas James, claimed that Charles Dickens himself had channeled him from beyond the grave to finish the story once and for all. James would sit and write in a strange handwriting (which belonged to neither him nor Dickens). Many people dismissed James as some kind of con artist. After the book was finished, it was well received in the United States, but rather less so in the United Kingdom. However, spiritualists such as Arthur Conan Doyle lent their support to James, believing he had indeed been in contact with the deceased author. Not surprisingly, Thomas James never wrote another book, despite lucrative offers.


Dicken’s last novel

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