Urban cursor

El diseñador danés Sebastian Campion puso este cursor gigante en una plaza pública, en la ciudad española de Figueres, para que la gente jugara con él, se subieran y lo movieran de un lado a otro. Todas esa interacciones esto fueron monitoreadas vía GPS y trazadas en un mapa urbano. Obviamente lo interesante son las reacciones de las personas…

Urban Cursor is a GPS enabled object designed to facilitate social interaction and play in public space. 

The object, which is shaped as an oversized 3-dimensional computer cursor (pointer), was placed on a square in Figueres, Catalunya during the cultural festival Ingràvid. 

Here, people could touch it, move it around and sit on it as an alternative to the benches. 

Despite being removed from its normal screen based environment, the cursor was still in touch with the digital world. Via an embedded GPS device, the cursor transmitted its geographic coordinates to a website. At the website, the coordinates were mapped in Google Maps thereby documenting the cursor’s movements in the physical world and making it possible for participants to see how they collectively helped move the object around…


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