Plug-and-Play donkeys

Una divertida noticia sobre cómo la gente del campo en Turquía usa paneles solares para tener acceso a internet (tecnología que el gobierno está luchando por prohibir). Podemos decir que a toda prohibición ocurre siempre una reacción de igual magnitud pero en sentido contrario…

The Turkish government has made recent attempts to 
censor the Internet, but meanwhile some citizens are developing highly innovative ways of getting online. Consider the sheep and goat herders who are so desperate to keep up with technology that they have even started installing solar panels on the donkeys that accompany them on their long, semi-nomadic journeys out into the wilderness.

The devices, marketed by the Turkish solar panel company Ser-Gün as a “plug-and-play donkey,” produce between five and seven kilowatts of electricity, enough to charge many laptops. They also power lights that are particularly helpful during birthing, RFD-TV reported.::

Plug-and-Play donkeys

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