Your name in mars

En estos días todos quieren presumir que fueron los primeros en “hacer algo” (como si eso diera algún tipo de prestigio).
Aquí hay una buena oportunidad: ser el primero en mandar tu nombre a otro planeta. Gracias a la NASA por esta iniciativa, que forma parte de próxima misión a Marte, llamada proyecto Orion

Since Richard Branson hasn’t gotten around to offering Mars vacations yet (he’s still working out that whole suborbital thing), we’re all pretty much stuck here on Earth for the time being. But NASA understands the human desire to write our names upon the stars, so it’s giving everybody a chance toshoot their names up into space on the first Orion mission, scheduled to launch December 4.

The collected names will be included on a microchip the size of a dime. The first trip will be on board NASA’s initial test flight for the new Orion spacecraft. It’s set for a 4.5-hour mission in orbit around Earth. It will then take a flying leap back through the atmosphere and land in the Pacific Ocean.

That’s a pretty cool journey for your name to take, but NASA has bigger plans. Orion isn’t just for toodling around the Earth. It’s designed to one day carry astronauts on long missions to visit asteroids and Mars. When you sign up to send your name off into space on Orion, you’re signing up to send your name to Mars at some future time…

Your name in mars

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