Brand killer

Un estudiante de la Universidad de Pensylvannia acaba de crera un app de realidad aumentada que bloquea cualquier tipo de publicidad que aparezca frente a nosotros. Como un AdBlock, pero para la vida real. Como diría mi abuelita: “Ya no queremos queso, sino salir de la ratonera”.

AdBlock Plus es una popular extensión para los navegadores como Chrome y Firefox que permite navegar la internet bloqueando la mayoría de los anuncios publicitarios…

Every day your eyeballs are assaulted by advertisements on your box of cereal, billboards, t-shirts, magazines, milk cartons, plastered on the side of buses, buildings, bananas, and written in the sky. [Reed], [Jonathan], [Tom], and [Alex] came up with a solution to this: a Brand Killer

that censors all the advertisements and brands you see every minute of every day. It’s a real-world adblock that you can build right now.The team’s system uses a custom head mounted display made from cardboard, goggles, a webcam, and a seven-inch display. The software for the system uses Python and OpenCV to monitor the images from the webcam, compares them against a list of brands and logos, and filters them out with an unobtrusive blur.Right now the system just has a few brands and logos that include Dr. Pepper, Hershey’s, McDonalds, Facebook, Starbucks, and clear evidence this was built at UPenn, Wawa and Tastykake. In the video below, the detection and tracking of these various brands is very good. The system is also stereoscopic, meaning this is wearable all day, every day, without a loss of depth perception…

Brand killer

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