Una compañía sueca está implantando chips de identificación de radio-frecuencia (RFID) en las manos de todos sus empleados. Más de 700 chips del tamaño o de un arroz para poder entrar en las diferentes áreas del edificio, usar la fotocopiadora, y hasta pagar el comedor.

Nunca me había sentido tan feliz de usar mi gafete de “Godinez” para andar en el trabajo…

Company has implanted microchips in its employees…

A Swedish company has implanted microchips in its staff which allows them to use the photocopier, open security doors and even pay for their lunch.

It is hoped that eventually around 700 employees from the Epicenter hi tech office block in Stockholm may eventually have the chips implanted into the back of their hands.

The chips use radio-frequency identification (RFID) and are about the same size as a grain of rice…


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