Artic Monkeys: AM

De lo mejor del año. Al menos si les gustan los grupos que dan buenos guitarrazos… y que evolucionan mucho en poco tiempo…

Arctic Monkeys ha lanzado un disco que supera todos sus trabajos predecesores. Un álbum en que la banda proveniente de Sheffield contó con la colaboración de Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age) como vocalista y letrista; y cuyo título minimalista fue replicado del VU” de Velvet Underground. ¿Por qué? Según Alex Turner, frontman del grupo, porque “AM” en sí está inspirado en dicha placa…

01 – Do I Wanna Know? – 00:00
02 – R U Mine? – 04:31
03 – One for the Road – 07:53
04 – Arabella – 11:19
05 – Want It All – 14:46
06 – No.1 Party Anthem – 17:50
07. – Mad Sounds – 21:54
08 – Fireside – 25:29
09 – Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? – 28:30
10 – Snap Out Of It – 31:12
11 – Knee Socks – 34:24
12 – I Wanna Be Yours – 38:39

Fiction came true…

Aquí hay otro de esos pocos recuentos anuales que valen la pena: ideas de la ciencia ficción que este año -2012- se volvieron realidad (publicado por Desde vuelos espaciales privados hasta los primeros logros en Tele-portación. Traductores universales en tiempo real. Lentes con realidad  aumentada…

As a longtime reader of science fiction, it’s always interesting to see how the visions of writers eventually become real. Take Arthur C. Clarke’s letter to Wireless World in 1945, which details the geostationary communications satellite network everyone uses today. The satellites are in what is called the “Clarke Orbit.” And Isaac Asimov wrote frequently about humanoid robots, which are becoming more common in research labs — although we have yet to see R. Daneel Olivaw from Asimov’s Robot series.

So inspired by these writers and others, here’s a look at 2012 and the futuristic technologies that are materializing before our eyes.

Bionic Limbs

The term “cyborg” was coined in 1960 by Manfred E. Clynes and Nathan S. Kline, in an article they wrote for the journal Astronautics. Since then bionic limbs have been a trope in many pieces of fiction -– The Six Million Dollar Man of the 1970s, the Borg of the Star Trek franchise, and even Darth Vader. In 2012 for the first time, a paralyzed woman was able to control a robotic limb and feed herself directly with her brain. Continuing work with primates demonstrated that it’s possible to make the brain-computer interface efficient enough to design more realistic movement into the limbs. The bionic limbs so far don’t look anything like their fictional counterparts, as they are still connected via external electrodes to the skull. But that dream seems to be a lot closer than it was even a decade ago.

Quantum Teleportation and Communication

While it’s not possible — yet — to “beam” an object around as in Star Trek, new records for zapping photons instantly from one place to another were set this year. Quantum teleportation has been done in the lab for some time, but the distances were on the order of a few yards. In 2012 the new record was 89 miles. In addition to teleporting, scientists built the first quantum Internet. It’s only a beginning, but teleporting photons for miles would enable communications that can’t be hacked or eavesdropped. 

Genetic Disease Prevented

Genetic engineering for “better” humans is a theme that’s appeared repeatedly ever since Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World in 1931 — although at that point nobody knew what DNA really was. Later, films such as Gattaca and novels such as Beggars in Spain explore the implications of widely available genetic alterations. In 2012, we saw a proof-of-concept for mitochondrial diseases. About one in 200 people are born with a disorder of the mitochondria, the energy factories of cells. For the first time scientists were able to transfer the nuclear DNA of one human egg cell to another. Two groups independently found a way to transplant nuclei between human egg cells, leaving behind the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed from mother to child. The finding means that mitochondrial disorders could be cured before a child is born. Such techniques won’t cure something like Down’s syndrome, which involved nuclear DNA. But it shows that some manipulation of the human genome is not only possible, but happening.

The Universal Translator

Most of the time when intrepid explorers in fiction meet aliens, they always seem to speak perfect English. Doctor Who’s TARDIS generates a field that allows travelers to be understood, while the crew of the Enterprise never seem to need a dictionary. Kim Stanley Robonson’s Marstrilogy features one, but he didn’t think it would appear until late in the 21st century (the novels were written in the 1990s). While they won’t let you talk to aliens, in the last year several speech-to-speech translators have managed to reach real consumer devices — and even one type that uses your own voice. Most of the apps require an internet connection, though some, such as Jibbigo, can store their dictionaries locally. (If they ever add Klingon I’m taking it to the next ComicCon).

Head-mounted Computer Glasses

Readers of Charles Stross’ novel Accelerando would have eagerly anticipated Google Glasses — the Internet giant’s foray into augmented reality. In the novel, “venture altruist” Manfred Macx carries his data and his memories in a pair of glasses connected to the Internet. Google Glasses allow the wearer to access data, the Internet and capture life via a head-mounted digital camera. Memories will have to wait.

Private Space Flight

In many science fiction stories, space travel is private. In Ridley’s Scott latest movie,Prometheus, the Weyland Corporation funds an expedition to follow a star map to the distant moon LV-223. In real life, Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched the first of a dozen planned missions to the International Space Station. The Dragon capsule is designed to resupply the ISS, but Musk, who made his fortune as founder of PayPal, has bigger plans: a colony on Mars. Is 2013 going to be the year human spaceflight becomes an enterprise like railroads? We won’t know that for a while, but SpaceX is a heck of a start.

This list isn’t comprehensive, and it isn’t meant to be the last word on anything; readers, if you think there’s something I missed, please sound off in the comments…

Fiction came true…

Social networks world map

Social Media, Internet, Facebook… Tres términos que al finalizar el año 2012 estaban más ligados que nunca según el mapa mundial de redes sociales, que muestra un comportamiento por lejos distinto a los pronósticos de muchos que preveían un final o al menos un fuerte decaimiento del uso de esta red social que pertenece al ahora multimillonario Mark Zuckerberg. Sin embargo, al apreciar la imagen que vemos tras el salto, podemos observar que no solo se ha mantenido creciendo en usuarios, sino que también ha logrado apoderarse del dominio como red social más usada en 127 de 137 países… 

Top12 Android apps

En estas épocas es imposible navegar la web sin encontrarte con estos “recuentos” con lo mejor del año en cualquier tema que se te ocurra. Aquí va una lista de las mejores 12 aplicaciones Android del año, publicada por el mismo Google a través de

No son jueguitos ni hacen “cositas chistosas” pero son útiles para quien está acostumbrado a realmente sacarle provecho a un smartphone…

Google has released its list of the top Android apps of 2012. This year’s list includes not only apps that were released this year, such as Pinterest’s Android app, but also apps that saw significant updates during the past calendar year.

Ranging from an app to help you monitor your finances to an app to help you book your next vacation, the chosen apps all sport a clean and easy-to-use design, representing what Google feels are the best of the best in Google Play.

Almost all of the apps on the list are also available for phones and tablets, so whether you have a Galaxy S III smartphone, or a Nexus 7 tablet, you can likely take advantage of everything they have to offer.

Check out the full list of apps in the gallery above. Did your favorite Android app make the list? Tell us what Google missed in the comments… 

Top12 Android apps

50 best albums – 2012

La prestigiada revista inglesa New Musical Express, mejor conocida como NME, ha publicado su lista con los 50 mejores álbumes de este 2012:

50. Purity Ring – Shrines
49. Flying Lotus– Until The Quiet Comes
48. The 2 Bears – Be Strong
47. John Talabot – Fin
46. Bobby Womack –The Bravest Man In The Universe
45. Lana Del Rey– Born To Die
44. Kendrick Lamar – Good Kid, MAAd City
43. Ratking – Wiki93
42. Paul Weller – Sonik Kicks
41. Ty Segall –Twins
40. Polica – Give You The Ghost
39. Liars– WIXIW
38. TEED – Trouble
37. Enter Shikari – A Flash Flood Of Colour
36. The Vaccines– Come Of Age
35. Metz – Metz
34. Bat For Lashes – The Haunted Man
33. Hot Chip – In Our Heads
32. Graham Coxon – A+E
31. Kanye West – Cruel Summer
30. Breton – Other People’s Problems
29. Mac DeMarco – 2
28. Spiritualized– Sweet Heart, Sweet Light
27. Jessie Ware – Devotion
26. Spector – Enjoy It While It Lasts
25. Ariel Pink – Mature Themes
24. Merchandise – Children Of Desire
23. Richard Hawley – Standing At The Sky’s Edge
22. Beach House – Bloom
21. Cat Power – Sun
20. Howler – America Give Up
19. Toy – Toy
18. Tribes – Baby
17. Grizzly Bear – Shields
16. Melody’s Echo Chamber – Melody’s Echo Chamber
15. Sharon Van Etten – Tramp
14. The xx – Coexist
13. DIIV – Oshin
12. David Byrne & St Vincent – Love This Giant
11. Django Django – Django Django
10. Jack White – Blunderbuss
9. Jake Bugg – Jake Bugg
8. The Cribs – In The Belly Of The Brazen Bull
7. Pond – Beard Wives Denim
6. The Maccabees – Given To The Wild
5. Alt-J – An Awesome Wave
4. Crystal Castles– III
3. Frank Ocean – Channel Orange
2. Grimes – Visions
1. Tame Impala – Lonerism

50 best albums – 2012


Dead Can Dance (Brendan Perry & Lisa Gerrard) – Amnesia 
Album: Anastasis, 2012 

Saw the demonstration 
On remembrance day 
Lest we forget the lesson 
Enshrined in funeral clay 
History is never written 
By those who’ve lost 
The defeated must bear witness to 
Our collective memory loss 

With every generation comes 
Another memory lapse 
See the demonstrations of 
Failing to learn from our past 
We live in the dreamtime 
Nothing seems to last 
Can you really plan a future 
When you no longer have a past 

Memories fall from the trees 
Memories like autumn leaves 

If we are subject to 
Empirical minds 
I wonder what lies beyond 
Our memory’s confines 
If memory is the true 
Sum of who we are 
May your children know the truth 
And shine like the brightest star 

Memory, help me see 
Memory, set me free 

All my love and all my kisses 
Sweet Mnemosyne 
All my love and all my kisses 
Sweet Mnemosyne 
Sweet Mnemosyne

Solar Eclipse 2012

Shortly after dawn on November 14, 2012, a stretch of coastline in Far North Queensland will be the best spot in the world to view this year’s total solar eclipse. Here’s the best social media reaction…


Australia’s Total Solar Eclipse 2012 in photos. 

This will be the first eclipse in Australia since 2002, last until 2028. All of eastern Australia will experience partial eclipse.

  1. Andy Parkins via Milky way scientists
  2. via @Augustachoo
  3. via Tamsin Sawle Storify
  4. via Huffington Post
  5. via Huffington Post
  6. via live stream

See more photos here and here. Watch the total solar eclipse streaming live online here.

Glass: Rework 2012

Beck ,Amon Tobin, Cornelius

In case you missed it, acclaimed composer Philip Glass has a remix album out on the 23rd of this month entitled Rework: Philip Glass Remixed. It’s not a typical collection of remixes as it’s built around 12 reimagined versions of his work from the likes of Dan Deacon, Tyondai Braxton, Cornelius, Beck, and more. One of the tracks that’s received a bit of attention the past few days has been Beck’s contribution, “NYC: 73-78.” It’s a 20 minute journey so rich in sonic detail and evolution it feels like watching the story of a person’s life. Check it out below… 

Online traffic in North America doubles this year…

Con datos como este me queda claro que la revolución tecnológica que estamos viviendo actualmente -la de mobile, dirían algunos- apenas comienza. Seamos honestos (incluso hasta los que nos dedicamos a esto): no tenemos ni idea de hasta donde va a llevarnos el futuro tecnológico de los próximos años…

How much time do you spend on the web each day? If you live in North America, a new report says, probably a lot. Canadian company Sandvine, in their Global Internet Phenomena Report, confirmed that online data usage in North America has increased by 120% over the past year. Netflix makes up 33% of the traffic — a definite boost for the company since last year’s price hike angered many of its viewers…

Online traffic in North America doubles this year…


Hace tiempo no me alegraba tanto una noticia musical. Después de 16 años de no escucharle nada nuevo a Dead Can Dance, y el rumor de que jamás volverían a tocar juntos, regresa uno de mis grupos mas amados, con un nuevo album llamado “Anastasis”, del que comparto esta probadita.

Y además vienen a México. Perfecto…


“Anabasis” // Dead Can Dance // Anastasis

I guess I should probably upload something then; this is from the new Dead Can Dance album, their first release in about 16 years. One of my favourite albums of the year, no joke; stunning darkwave