The Simpsons Sphere 

Un fotógrafo de Sidney, Australia (que se ve es muy fan de Los Simpson) hizo este video en 360 conmemorando los 500 episodios de la serie animada, corriendo todos juntos dentro de esta “esfera virtual”. Es un festejo bastante extraño…

Dude. 500 episodes of The Simpsons, all in one spherical, 360º video space. I’m trippin’ so hard.
A video created by John Hatfield.

Ricoh Theta S

He escrito varias veces sobre el futuro de Realidad Virtual (muy interesante y prometedor por cierto), y cada vez que veo surgir una de estos juguetes al mercado, mi teoría se confirma: el futuro está en que TODOS nos pongamos a producirla, lo que es cada vez mas fácil.

Ahora salió esta camarita de bolsillo que hace fotos y videos 360º en HD, con conectividad USB, Wi-Fi, controlable vía iOS y Android, totalmente integrada para publicar directo a YouTube y Google Maps tus “ambientes”, y con un formato de captura que es fácil de editar con los softwares más comunes de post-producción (Final Cut, Premier).

Y cuesta menos de 350 dólares. Ya no hay pretextos para no entrarle a esto del 360º…

Ricoh announced its newest 360-degree spherical camera, the Ricoh Theta S.The Theta S is a small, pocket-size camera that can take 360-degree photos and videos. The idea is to make it possible to capture awesome-looking, immersive photos and videos with something compact and easy to use.

The Theta S is the third 360-degree camera in Ricoh’s Theta series. The original model, which launched in 2013, could just do video. Last year, Ricoh added full HD video, but it was limited to 3 minutes at 15 frames per second.

This year, Ricoh is upping the ante by offering up full HD video support at 30 frames per second for up to 25 minutes. The camera also captures full stereo sound.

The Ricoh Theta S has dual ½.3-inch 12-megapixel sensors with two lenses, each with f/2.0 aperture. This means the camera can capture spherical images with a total resolution of about 14 megapixels

The Wi-Fi on the Theta S is better too — Ricoh says transfer speeds are four times faster. Users can use an app for iOS or Android to control the camera and transfer images to their phones.

Even more exciting, Ricoh says the Theta S supports live streaming via HDMI and USB, although not at launch. The company expects to add to the live-streaming capabilities over time with software updates. Ricoh is also opening up its API to developers, so hopefully we’ll see other live-streaming platforms adopt support for the Theta S.

Google Maps and YouTube 360 integrationThe big challenge with 360-degree images or video, is that, once you have them, it’d be nice to do something with them. Ricoh’s thought of that: In addition to uploading images to, the Theta S app makes it easy to share those assets to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Google Maps and the YouTube 360 channel….

360º video

Hace muy poco tiempo nos maravillábamos de este tipo de imágenes panorámicas que emulan un 360º simultáneo, tipo “vista de pájaro” (también les conoce como mini-world panorama). Ahora ya hay videos como este, hecho por el fotógrafo alemán Jonas GInter y usando cámaras como la GoPro

First attempt to create a 360° spherical panorama video using 6 GoPro Cameras in 3D printed mount. And it works! 🙂

More Information here:

The Custodian of Records

Copyright: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States:


360° Panoramic Video Creates the Illusion of a Man Riding a Bike around a Tiny World


Whether you’re documenting mountains at sunset or the urban jungle of New York City’s Times Square, Bublcam claims to capture “everything around you.”

Just a bit larger than a baseball, the portable camera shoots 14 megapixel spherical photos and videos at 1080p at 15 frames per second and 720p at 30 fps in H.264. Equipped with a Wi-Fi connection, Bublcam allows users to stream live video to computers and mobile devices. It also has USB streaming and a micro SD slot…

Hiroshima 360°

Métanse a ver esta panorámica de Hiroshima en 1945, es como estar en medio de un bombardeo atómico. Bueno quizá no tanto, pero la foto esta muy bien adaptada al 360°, y la escena es icónicamente desoladora…

Panoramic photography has existed for more than a century, but I had not seen these before. Looking at these images, turning them around in a circle, is the strongest reminder I have had in a very long time of the real power of photography. The image above, even more so than all the other ones, is one of the most heartbreaking images I have ever seen.

I contacted the man running the site where the image was located. His name is Steven Starr, and he teaches at the University of Missouri. His website,, is a resource for anyone who is interested in the danger of existing nuclear arsenals currently held in the world.

Steven directed me to Mari Shimomura of the Hiroshima Peace Museum. I explained to Ms. Shimomura of my desire to publicize these images more widely, and she was kind enough to send me high-resolution scans of photos comprising five different 360º panoramas shot about 6 months after Hiroshima was destroyed. The images were shot by three different American photographers, and one Japanese photographer…

Hiroshima 360°

Ice world

Explored by Edward Horsford

A quick adventure on to Bush lake as the sun set. A blistering -20ºC so didn’t stay out too long.

Shooting these as the sun sets produces much more pleasing skys. Helps too to have a polarising filter. Was somewhere around 2 feet of vigin snow in most directions, so quite slow going.

Stitched panorama of 38 images. Spinning on the spot produced quite a neat little hole in the snow.