
Un proyecto que pretende realizar un documental de toda la misión Apollo 11, para lo cual serán utilizadas las imágenes captadas por la cámara de 16 mm instalada en el módulo lunar Eagle junto con las escenas captadas en el control de misión ubicado en Houston…

Moonscape is a free and freely shareable high-definition documentary about the first manned Moon landing. Funded and produced by space enthusiasts from all over the world, it shows the full Apollo 11 landing and moonwalk, using only the original audio, TV and film footage and the original photographs,rescanned and restored from the best available sources, with full English subtitles (other languages will follow). Details of the project are here.

Moonscape is made possible by the donations and hard work of many people. If you like what you see and you want to help the project (and have your name or company name in the end credits as a sponsor), please make a donation so we can continue improving Moonscape by purchasing additional remastered HD transfers of the original Apollo mission footage, hiring a professional voice-over actor for the commentary, and adding more features (such as additional photos, Mission Control footage, animations and maps)…
