MTV condom ads

You should always use a condom, unless you’ve got a really good excuse not to—like you were roller-skating down the street, tripped on the curb, fell into the back of a woman who was bent over packing her car, and accidentally had intercourse with her!

That’s the message of some amusing new pro-condom cartoons from Grey in Germany for MTV in Switzerland. See three full ads here…

MTV condom ads

Sexist ads

¿Se han fijado que la palabra “subliminal” practicamente ha desaparecido del lenguaje publicitario? Antes era muy común. Ahora lo último que tienen los anuncios (principalmente los de este tipo) son mensajes ocultos. Más que por el sentido sexista, yo me preocuparía más por el sexismo hard-sell

10 Sexist Ads Made by Total Pigs

The core message of Axe’s marketing worldwide is that women are unthinking animals who can’t resist the scent of an alpha male (cosmetically engineered though he may be). The epic “Billions” spot, featuring wild packs of women in bikinis, just supersized the insult suggesting it’s true of every woman alive…

There’s been a lot of fuss about the new “Got milk?” ads, which claim that milk eases PMS symptoms—thus making your wife or girlfriend slightly less of a crazy, irrational bitch every month. The work is intentionally provocative—some say irredeemably sexist. But to put that sexism in context, check out the 10 TV spots below—from the 1950s to today—which are all, to a greater or lesser degree, anti-woman (or anti-girl). A lot has changed in 50 years—the Folgers spot seems like something from an alternate universe today. Yet there’s been a seesaw effect, too. As advertising has become less blatantly sexist, more ads than ever are being called sexist. So, where’s the line? Leave your thoughts in the comments…

Sexist ads