The Book that judges you

¿Que tal esto? Un libro con reconocimiento facial, que juzga a su lector (según su expresión) para ver si está libre de prejuicios para dejarlo leer su contenido.
Creado por el estudio el estudio creativo Moore (en Amsterdam), y se trata de un prototipo para la memoria 2015 de la Art Directors Club Netherlands que contendrá una selección de trabajos creativos…

Designed by Thijs Biersteker, an ex-Wieden & Kennedy creative who founded Moore, The Cover That Judges You has an integrated camera and facial-recognition technology that scans the face of whoever approaches. The system will scan your face for any signs of “judgment.” So, for example, if you are over-excited or your face indicates feelings of skepticism, the book cover stays locked. But if your expressions are neutral, the system will send an audio pulse to the Arduino micro-controller and the book will unlock itself. The reader can then browse inside the book.