
En el mundo hay muchas personas muy dañadas. Algunas de ellas -como este colectivo de video artistas franceses- tienen la fortuna de poder encontrar la manera de exteriorizar sus más obscuras pesadillas. Que alegría no estar solo…

This Head Trip Is the Freakiest Thing You’ll See This Week (Barring Face-Eating Floridians). Mixing equal parts artistic whimsy and macabre horror, French artistic collective LORN has crafted this impressive piece of zombie porn, titled “Ghosst(s)”. The film was directed by CRCR and produced by Sonlan Tran of QUAD…


Minjae Lee

It is hard not to be impressed by the young South Korean-born artist Minjae Lee. At just 22 years of age, he has amassed an impressive portfolio of colorful portrait illustrations created mostly with acrylic paint and markers. The dramatic pieces are full of pattern and texture that create the haunting imagery…

Read more at Design Milk: http://design-milk.com/minjae-lee/#ixzz1sDrtvye3


Juan Gris

Google‘s logo on Friday is an unreadable agglomeration of cubist images designed to salute Spanish painter Juan Gris.

Born on March 23, 1887, Gris, a contemporary and friend of Pablo Picasso’s, studied mechanical drawing at the Escuela de Artest y Manufacturas in Madrid from 1902 to 1904. Gris began to paint seriously in 1910, eventually developing a cubist style. In 1919, Gris held his first major solo show in Paris. Gris’s fame continued into the 20′s, but his career was cut short when he died of renal failure in 1927, at the age of 40…


J. «Moebius» Giraud

Este ilustrador frances hizo el arte para tantas historias y películas que me gustan que no puedo dejar sin compartir la noticia de su reciente muerte a los 73. Si no lo conocían Googlénlo (Jean Moebuis Giraud), realmente era alguien influyente…

Today is an incredibly sad day for fans of comic books, concept art, and downright anything science fiction. Artist Jean “Moebius” Giraud, who provided some of the most stunning scifi and fantasy art ever to grace a page, has succumbed to illness at the age of 73.

It’s pretty hard to overstate the hand Moebius had in some of science fiction’s most phantasmagoric cinema. You know his work even if you’ve never realized it.

In addition to providing preliminary designs for such films as Alien, Tron, The Abyss, Masters of the Universe, The Fifth Element, and Willow (which were awesome albeit unused), the artist provided concept art for El Topo director Alejandro Jodorowsky’s never-realized Dune adaptation, which was to star Mick Jagger and boast a soundtrack by Pink Floyd.

Jodorowsky was a frequent comic collaborator with Moebius. Together they worked on the must-read, gloriously nutbar space opera The Incal (which was chock full of evil space eggs and virtuous giant jellyfish) and the screwball divine pregnancy tale The Madwoman of the Sacred Heart.

The Incal and his fantasy comic Arzach were slated to become a cartoon in the 1980s, but neither project sadly panned out (the latter was later adapted for European television in 2004). Moebius’ other seminal works included the western Blueberry, artwork for Heavy Metal magazine, the futuristic detective story The Long Tomorrow (which provided Ridley Scott cues for Blade Runner and William Gibson inspiration for Neuromancer), and Stan Lee’s Silver Surfer miniseries Parable. As you can see below, Giraud drew a fantastic Galactus.

If you need testimonials on how ridiculously influential Moebius was, here’s a BBC documentary on the artist from a few years back, wherein some of the biggest names in comics heap praise on the man like candyfloss. The artist was also pals with Hayao Miyazaki, for goodness’ sake. You can also peruse a ton of his comic work and design at The Airtight Garage fan site. And for a look at how Moebius was faring in his final months, here’s an illuminating interview with The Los Angeles Times from April 2011, in which the artist pishposhed his celebrity…


J. «Moebius» Giraud

Acute Diverticulitis

Que lástima, se murió Damien Hirst. Era uno de los mejores artistas conceptuales que he conocido…

Damien Steven Hirst, the world’s richest artist ($332 million according to Britain’s Sunday Times), full-time businessman, part time art-collector, sometime restaurateur, P.T. Barnum imitator, and most famous member of the Young British Artists (or YBAs), a creative covey who came to prominence in the 1990s, died last Thursday, January 12, in New York following complications from acute diverticulitis brought on by a swinishly speculative, grossly cynical, intellectually constipated effort to pinch out 11 concurrent exhibitions of rehashed expensive crap. He was 46.

Coming merely a day after the press preview for his recent multi-venue extravaganza titled “The Complete Spot Paintings: 1986–2011” at Larry Gagosian’s glut of global galleries (three in New York, two in London, and one each in Beverly Hills, Rome, Athens, Paris, Geneva, Hong Kong, and Moscow), and only months before his two-decade retrospective at London’s Tate Modern (scheduled for April 4), Hirst’s sudden death surprised fans and critics alike. One grumbler (who preferred obscurity to legend) quipped: “It was bound to happen. Call it the physical impossibility of living in the mind of someone brain-dead. There’s absolutely nothing formaldehyde can do about that.” The artist, who once famously noted that a banana stuck in dog doo could easily pass for his own art, might have himself concurred…


Acute Diverticulitis

Richard Hamilton, 89

Londres. El artista británico Richard Hamilton, considerado por muchos como el “padre del artepop”, murió este martes a los 89 años. Un comunicado de la galería calificaba a Hamilton de “padre del arte pop” y “artista pionero de habilidad incomparable, inventiva y autoridad eterna”.

“Es un día muy triste paratodos nosotros y nuestros pensamientos están con la familia de Richard, particularmente con su mujer Rita y su hijo Rod”, dijo el comerciante de arte y propietario de una galería Larry Gagosian…


Richard Hamilton, 89

Mr. Ed make-up

Espero que no vean esto a las 2 de la mañana como yo lo hice. Podría afectar su salud mental. Un mundo extraño, sin duda, el de Alex Kovas (make-up artist). Hay otras de sus bizarreces en su sitio de humanimal

Alex Kovas gained notoriety within the furry fandom after a number of videos featuring Kovas were posted to his YouTube account. The videos depict Kovas posing in a combination of body paint and latex animal prosthetic masks. Make-up and costuming for the pieces are provided by a variety of people, including Beatriz Lopez, Sammm Agnew. Lauren Baker and Dean Rudd.

He currently works for a British performance company called Humanimal, consisting of Kovas and a number of make-up artists, which books events for performances by Kovas


Mr. Ed make-up