Absurdly bloody

Para la colección de cine bizarro, una selección de las películas mas gratuitamente sangrientas. Destaca la dañadez de los orientales, con nombres como Yoshihiro Nishimura y su famosa mezcla de gore con artes marciales.
En el cine como en todo,  lo que no se justifica bien se vuelve absurdo. Y en este caso hasta gracioso.

Como lo comenté en la nota, creo que la lista se acompleta con Ichi the killer, y hablando de escenas individuales, me viene mucho a la mente la cabeza Arnold inflándose en Total Recall....

Riki-Oh, which is probably the most entertaining film ever made, takes place in the far-off year of 2001, where prisons are privatized and magical gangsters run the cell blocks. Riki is a virtuous flautist and martial artist (his training primarily consists of his master chucking tombstones tossed at his torso) who must explosively punch through the bellies of corrupt prison personnel and criminals. You know a film is spectacular when — in the first major fight scene — a desperate bad guy rips out his own intestines and tries to strangle the hero.

Also, the final fight with the hulked-out prison warden is so horrifically meaty it may inspire spontaneous vegetarianism…
