Electronic Ink Tatoos 

Me cuesta trabajo creer que esto ya se ha inventado. Tinta electrónica “inteligente” que puedes ser implantada subcutámente (lo que comúnmente conocemos como “tatuajes”), alimentada por una forma de energía que se genera con el mismo movimiento de nuestro cuerpo, y manipulada por aplicaciones controladas vía blueetoth, desde nuestro celular claro, para convertir nuestra piel en lo que aparentemente va ser la siguiente revolución en cuanto a displays se refiere. Lo que es igual a decir que la próxima tecnología en pantallas vamos a ser… pues, nosotros mismos.

Insisto, me cuesta trabajo creer que ya se ha inventado…

Imagine having a tattoo in your body that you can control from your own smartphone. Change up your tattoo art, show important messages, or just erase your tattoo altogether for that important job interview. Well, the future has arrived… thanks to groundbreaking subdermal E Ink technology, we have been able to develop the world’s first E Ink tattoo…


Bluetooth Mercedes

New York – The only thing that’s cooler than a luxury sports car you can control through your phone is one with “gullwing” doors and a built-in speaker.

Unveiled at the 2013 Toy Fair and available this fall from Silverlit, the same company that brought you the iPhone-controlled Porsche 911 Carrera, this remote-control Mercedes Benz SLS AMG works pretty much the way the Porsche did. It syncs up via bluetooth with a free, iOS-based app that gives you fine control over speed, direction and acceleration.

The added ingredients are the dual gullwing doors (they open the same way a DeLorean’sdo) that you can open and close via the remote control and the ability to stream your iPhone or iPod iTunes music library direct to a large speaker in the back of the tiny vehicle (the sound is pretty loud, though, in our limited experience, we couldn’t discern much about the quality). Once you start playing music through the rear-windshield-sized speaker, however, you can’t drive the car…
