Smartphone handgun 

Pensaba que esto era un chiste, pero no. La compañía estadounidense de auto-defensa Ideal Conceal está por sacar a la venta esta pistola calibre .38, que tiene la particularidad de poderse llevar a todos lados pasando totalmente inadvertida, pues el arma tiene un diseño y un mecanismo que le permite plegarse para tener la apariencia de un smartphone, pudiendo con esto guardarla en la bolsa de tus jeans o colgarla de tu cinturón, como lo harías con cualquier otro telefono. Cuesta solo 395 dolares.

Con productos como este, y una mentalidad como la del slogan de esta empresa (“Porque el derecho a la autodefensa es la primera ley de la Naturaleza”) no debe quedarnos ninguna duda que la sociedad norteamericana esta completamente desquiciada…

The concept is simple: when it’s folded up, the weapon looks like a smartphone dressed in a chunky case; unfolded, it’s ready to fire, with two rounds chambered. Speaking to CNN, the gun’s developer made it clear that he wants to make everyday carry more convenient, saying “I thought to myself there’s got to be another way to be able to carry without bothering other people.”

Of course, there’s another side to the problem: aside from the general concern with having every man, woman and child sporting a firearm in public, disguising guns as everyday objects will make police more twitchy, and likely end up with more people shot by law enforcement.

Luckily, the gun is not yet in production, and won’t be until the summer. A visa application to Canada just takes a few months…


Estas fotografías de paisajes creadas por el alemán Simon Menner resultan bastante agradables. Hasta que entiendes que hay un franco-tirador apuntándote. Eso les da un sentido conceptual bastante diferente a lo que se percibe en la primera impresión. Nice…

German artist Simon Menner has photographed a camouflaged sniper in each of these images. Can you spot them?

Jonathan Jones on camouflage and the art of disguise

Invisible man

Artist and camouflage extraordinaire Liu Bolin just opened a new exhibition at Galerie Paris-Beijing in Paris featuring a number of new works that depict the artist perfectly hidden amongst urban backdrops. Remarkably the effect is achieved without the use of special effects or Photoshop, rather Bolin is painstakingly painted head-to-toe by a group of assistants using photographs of the area behind him as a guide. “My intention was not to disappear in the environment but instead to let the environment take possession of me”, he says. Bolin’s intent is not to simply hide himself as an individual but suggests the works are statement regarding damage caused by economic and urban development. The show runs through March 10th. (via designboom)…