Quantum Space 

No son muchas las instalaciones que nos provocan querer estar bailando dentro de ellas. Esta lo hace. Había visto a varios artistas digitales intentar cosas con “video interactivo”. Pero esta video-instalación que proyecta cosas respondiendo a nuestros movimientos (motion capture) hecha por el artista ruso Igor Tatarnikov (Sodazot) es realmente espectacular.

Les recomiendo que vean todo lo que hace su colectivo (http://kuflex.com/), tiene varios proyectos bastante buenos, todos explorando las posibilidades de fusionar arte con tecnología digitales…

Entering ths room you are disintegrating into quantums of light and communicating with universe.

This is a digital meditation. Walls in this room are full covered by interactive projections. Abstract visualizations generated realtime from all movements of participants and from some automated parameters.

Tech details: 3 computers, 6 projectors, 6 depth cameras Asus Xtion….


Physical Face Cloning

Una tecnología conocida como Physical Face Cloning está siendo aplicada para la nueva generación de animatronix en los parques de Disney. Como bien dice el artículo, el realismo es tal que da escalofríos…

The science of entertainment is getting more complicated. Disney Research in Zurich and Walt Disney Imagineering at Cornell are working on Physical Face Cloning to be able to create animatronics characters that behave with the precision of a human face.

First, they are designing a synthetic skin that can mimic the movements and tendencies of human skin. How the skin on a face reacts to motions such as talking has been problematic, but the Disney team hopes that a silicon based solution guided by computer simulations will be the answer. Here are two videos that they recently released showing the progress of the research…


Physical Face Cloning