5 exorcismos

Aquí, hay algunas historias reales de gente poseída por el diablo (5 de las mas famosas), bellamente documentadas con imágenes y audio. Uno de estos casos es el que inspiró la famosa novela y película de “El Exorcista”. Incluso para alguien tan poco creyente como yo el tema es curioso. No por lo que crea que es, sino porque -pensando lo que quieran- hay miles de casos como estos sucediendo en todo el mundo ¿Que demonios es esto?

Así que sea lo que sea, hay mucho de esto. Y como decían de Elvis: 50,000,000 fans can’t be wrong…

Out of all the scary things depicted in horror movies, none of them terrify me more than that of demonic possession. The idea that a deplorable paranormal beast could inhabit me at any given time of its choosing and wreck havoc with my life and my loved ones gives me the shivers. The hairs on the back of my neck are going crazy just thinking about it!

Luckily for me, neither I nor anybody I know has been dealt this disturbing hand. But not everybody has been so lucky. Throughout history, there have been hundreds, possibly thousands, of stories reporting apparent demonic “possessions.” Here are 5 of the most convincing ones out there…


5 exorcismos

Things in People’s Butts

El sitio Radiopaedia tiene una extraña colección de radiografías de casos médicos de todo el mundo. Algunas secciones documentan las cosas mas extrañas que se han encontrado en los traseros de algunos pacientes, lo que lo convierte en un lugar tan educativo como enfermo. ¿En que estaban pensando estos tipos? No diré mas…


You and me, we have Wikipedia. Radiologists, they have Radiopaedia. If you can get past the clinical language, you can see it for what it really is: An amazing cache of images that show the human body at its extreme limits. And a place to find (and share!) x-rays of weird stuff people have put up their butts.

Radiopaedia was founded by Dr. Frank Gaillard back in 2005, when he was studying to become a radiologist in Australia. As any doctor—or anyone who is weird and curious enough to spend her free time reading medical cases (hi, hello)— knows, there’s a lot of crazy shit that goes on in hospitals. Radiopaedia is an educational resource to share tutorials and knowledge about all things radiology, but it’s also little bit for amusement. Just a little….


Things in People’s Butts