Are infographics dead?

En este mundo decir que algo se populariza es equivalente a decir que se abarata. Los infográficos no son la excepción…

Infographics have long been the darling of the content marketing world. In fact, there was a time in the not too distant past when simply putting [INFOGRAPHIC] in your headline would yield more clicks. But that was back when infographics were a new medium. Even if the content wasn’t interesting, the form was. But those days are over and the shininess of infographics have worn off. I think it’s fair to say that if infographics were put on the Hype Cycle, we would be somewhere in the trough of disillusionment.  This is usually where most people hop off, and others ride it to greater opportunity.

The interest in infographics has flooded the market with producers and products. You can get them for $5 or even free using automated tools. Like most things though, you do get what you pay for. This is what separates those using infographics as a tactic and those using them as a strategy…

Are infographics dead?