What color is it?

Un experimento con HTML que es tan simple como bello: convertir la lectura de la hora (horas, minutos, segundos) en colores expresados a través de valores hexagésimales

(Explicación para no-programadores) Los colores en HTML se representan mediante un número hexadecimal. Un número hexadecimal se diferencia de un número decimal en que no sólo puede tomar valores del 0 al 9, sino que puede tomar hasta dieciséis valores distintos, que van del 0 al 9, y de la A a la F. Cada color estará representado por un grupo de seis dígitos en hexadecimal, precedidos por una almohadilla, como por ejemplo #FFFFFF.

By converting the time to a hex-value, the What colour is it? clock does a lovely job of showing the relationships between adjacent colors in the “Web-safe” color palette. (viaWaxy)…


What color is it?


Ritot es un reloj que proyecta la hora sobre tu mano (en teoría, sin dañar tu piel ni tu salud). Me encanta esto, pero sigo creyendo que los relojes ya son mas una cuestión de joyeria que de utilidad…

Meet Ritot – the first projection watch

It’s been a long time since mankind has stopped peering into the sky at the sun to calculate the time. Clocks were invented for this purpose. The first clock was created thousands of years ago. There were various types of clock, including sundial, clepsydra, hourglass and others. Since then, the evolution of clock has continued and brought to us the first wristwatch. Every year there emerge dozens of new models of wirstwatch, but the operating principle has not changed. We live in a new progressive millennium; everything around us progresses and develops. In our opinion, clock design should be both technically innovative and fashionable. Watches demonstrating that humanity does not stand still. These are the watches we bring into life.

