
Aquí esta una  aplicación llamada Seenapse, creada por el  publicista Rafael Jimenez y pensada principalmente en ser una herramienta para creativos. Es una suerte de nueva red social basada en conexiones de ideas y asociaciones mentales. No es dificl ver el potencial de esto, dado lo importante que es hoy en dia la creatvidad -como búsqueda de nuevas ideas- y la información bien organizada…

Seenapse is a new platform designed to help inspire new, non-obvious combinations.

As I may have mentioned before, I believe ideas are a certain kind of thing.

I think that Genius Steals, that ideas are new combinations, that originality is a myth, and that the best, most interesting, most attention earning ideas, exist at the very fringes.

The least obvious combinations that still solves the problem is more effective, because it is less obvious, therefore more interesting. More creative, if you will.  Our abillity to create associations between seemingly non-related ideas is a fundamental aspect of how brains work.

It’s what makes metaphors powerful and why metaphors are so important to how we think, seeing non-obvious similarity in different things…
