Vagina Beauty Contest

Un inventor llamado Brian Sloan se ha dedicado a crear la próxima generación de juguetes sexuales, tanto para hombres como para mujeres. Su primer gran éxito es una boca robotizada llamada “Autoblow 2”, que reproduce con gran calidad lo que hacen las mujeres al dar sexo oral a los hombres.

Pero no todo se hace con la boca, así que Sloan ha decidido dar el siguiente paso: encontrar la mujer más hermosa del mundo (de la cintura a las rodillas), para reproducirla en un juguete sexual robotizado que ningún hombre pueda resistir. Y se lo ha tomado muy en serio.

Así nació esta rara investigación, donde se convocó a muchas mujeres, se evaluó y se premió la ganadora con 5,000 dólares y el derecho a ser escaneada y reproducida con una impresora 3D, obteniendo en el proceso una tipología nunca antes vista sobre…
vaginas : S

Me abstengo de poner fotos, este blog es familiar. Pero ahí están los links…

In this work, we examine data collected during the Autoblow Vaginal Beauty Contest. The original intent of the contest was solely to discover which vulva styles men wanted us to 3d scan and reproduce onto our product. But as the contest became popular online, we realized we had collected a vast quantity of data on a topic that warranted further research.

Vulvas are diverse. Dimensions, color, labia minora size, and rugosity present a broad range of variability. Nevertheless, very little is known about how people perceive such diversity. This work investigates the diversity of vulvas and the public opinion about different vulval morphologies…

Vagina Beauty Contest

Facelift contest

El sitio Freaking News, famoso blog de humor gráfico está organizando varios concursos de Photoshop, entre ellos, este de Celebridades con Facelift, que aunque literalmente significa “levantamiento de cara”, se aplica mucho como expresión de cuando alguien (un famoso, sobre todo) se hace cirugía facial, refrescando su imagen.

Aquí el reto específico no era embellecer sino voltear sus caras de cabeza para que se vean al derecho y al revés, creando esta suerte de “ambigramas faciales”

Rename Iceland

La oficina de Turismo de Islandia ha decidió cambiarle de nombre a su país. Pero además lo quieren hacer de forma muy democrática, por lo que se ha ha invitado a toda la gente a proponer ideas para ese “nuevo nombre”, en un concurso on-line muy divertido.
Por favor, si pensaron en participar con alguna referencia a “Bjork” absténganse, ya lo hizo medio mundo…

Iceland’s tourism agency launched a contest over the summer to rename the country, but the results so far are not likely to appear on a placard at the United Nations.

The tourism naming page lists such names as: Jump For Joy Land, Catch-A-Cloud Land, and OMGWTFland. Judges from the economic development group Promote Iceland will pick a winner after the contest ends March 21.

The government however is under no obligation to change the country’s name, which in Icelandic is Ísland…

Twitter Fiction Festival

Un festival de creatividad en Twitter, donde la pregunta es ¿qué puedes inventar/crear/decir/hacer con 140 caracteres? Si uno no participa en esto es que no tiene ganas de participar en nada…

Twitter has already changed the way we communicate. Now the microblogging service is inviting creative writers to transform the way stories get told on Twitter.

The first Twitter Fiction Festival, announced Thursday, will start Nov. 28 and run five days.

“We’re looking for new, creative, exciting ideas that will push the bounds of how we tell stories on Twitter,” says the online submission form. The Twitter Fiction Festival will take place entirely online, based on the #twitterfiction hashtag.

“Tell us how you are going to explore content formats that already exist on Twitter — short story in tweets, a Twitter chat, live-tweeting — or, even better, how you’ll create a new one,” says the call for ideas. “How will you work with our real-time global platform, where anyone can contribute to your story at any moment? The proposal must fit into the time window of our five-day festival — but that means that a project could run for the length of the festival, or just for an hour.”

Twitter has already been used for a wide variety of creative pursuits, from real-time satire to Jennifer Egan’s one-tweet-a-minute short story “Black Box,” tied to The New Yorker’s sci-fi issue. (Disclosure: Both Wired andThe New Yorker are owned by Condé Nast.)

The short blasts of information and whimsy made possible by Twitter’s ever-growing network have already made the service a favorite of great writers like William Gibson and an indispensable tool for news junkies and data fiends. But how will Twitter users change the literary form?

That question remains open, but it seems like some sci-fi scribe with big ideas might be able to come up with a mind-bending mutation that alters storytelling reality. (Tell us your concepts in the comments below.). If you’re interested in participating in the Twitter Fiction Festival, submit your ideas here by Nov. 15…

Twitter Fiction Festival

Porcelain Unicorn

El cineasta Sir Ridley Scott lanzó una convocatoria para hacer un concurso para aspirantes a directores. Su titulo Tell It Your Way. Hubo más de 600 entradas.

La película no podría ser superior a tres minutos, contener sólo 6 líneas de narrativa y ser una historia convincente. El ganador fue "Unicornio de Porcelana" del director  stadounidense Keegan Wilcox.

Su historia es la vida de dos personas que son totalmente contrarias, sin embargo, muy afines – dicho todo en menos de 3 minutos. Este es el film ganador! Espero que lo disfruten: Haz click en la dirección de abajo…

Porcelain Unicorn

Black girls

Un concurso de DJs en SoundCloud. Se comparte la canción con todos los canales de audio por separado. La gente puede bajarlos y despedazarlos como quiera. El mejor remix gana y se incluye en el EP cuando salga…

In celebration of their latest project, Black Girls – Remix EP, Chester French is inviting aspiring producers to submit their remix for Black Girls for the chance to have it released on the official EP!

Chester French is a duo comprising singer and songwriter D.A. Wallach and multi-instrumentalist and composer Max Drummey. Bringing together classic songwriting and pop hooks with adventurous, experimental arrangements, the group has drawn comparisons with everyone from Weezer to Outkast, and in its 9th year continues to explore radically inventive sounds…

Silent song

Un divertido juego social creado por la agencia belga Boondoggle con el que además se puede ganar un Renault Clío. De vez en cuando viene bien ver acciones ingeniosas y divertidas sin mucha complicación…

This fun online campaign for Renault was made by Boondoggle in Belgium. Through a Facebook-page you could win a new Renault Clio, simply by guessing which song people were singing. The catch was you couldn’t hear anyone sing, you could only read their lips. Why? Because it’s the same in your car when you look at other people singing in their car..

Silent song

Beauty of a second

Fue fácil imaginarme un par de opciones sobre qué escenas usaría en este concurso de películas de un segundo…

The Beauty Of A Second is a short-film contest presented by Wim Wenders, born to celebrate the invention of the chronograph 190 years ago. The task of Montblanc’s initiative is to capture beauty in a one-second-long video.

190 years ago, Nicolas Rieussec recorded time to an accuracy of a fifth second for the first time – the chronograph was born. To celebrate this unique invention, Montblanc is announcing the one-of-a-kind “The Beauty of a Second” short-film contest presented by the famous film director Wim Wenders…

Win a trip (to space)

Esto va en serio, chequen las bases (y el premio!) de este concursito del centro de observación en Seattle, conocido como “La aguja” (Space Needle).

El sueño de muchos, sin duda…

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Seattle’s iconic Space Needle, the city of Seattle is holding a contest — and the winner will actually get to go into space.
Or at least, you’ll get to do a suborbital ride over 60 miles above the Earth.

That’s right – you’ll see the Blue Marble for yourself, and experience weightlessness. Just enter before November 30, and you could be zooming above our planet like a cosmonaut…

Win a trip (to space)

Obsessed with sound

Esta aplicación sonora y concurso on-line para aficionados de la música es un buen ejemplo de lo que son capazes de hacer algunas marcas para “showcasear” sus productos…

Tribal DDB Amsterdam rejoins Phillips for “Obsession with Sound,” an interactive music experience that shows off the brand’s audio range. The campaign, which is live on the Facebook page, lets you listen to the Grammy-award winning Metropole Orchestra, and single out each musician to hear details of their individual tracks. Singling out a musician also gives you access to their musical tendencies, background and personal Twitter and blog feeds. The idea is to “hear every detail” – something that Phillips says its range of speakers can also achieve.

Alongside the campaign, there’s also a contest that challenges entrants to create their own compositions, which will then be judged by a distinguished jury. The winning track will be arranged and played by the Metropole Orchestra and recorded in a music video.

The Metropole Orchestra is the world’s largest professional pop and jazz orchestra. Renowned for its wide-ranging abilities, the Metropole Orchestra performs anything from chansons to World-music, film-scores, Rock- or Pop-tunes as well as high-octane jazz…

Obsessed with sound