Marihuana app?

Si la marihuana ha comenzado a ser algo legal y hasta “industrializable” en diferentes zonas de los E.U. (Colorado y Washington, por ahora) ¿porqué no tener un a aplicación que nos ayude a buscarla/comprarla. Eso es Leafly

As the United States marijuana industry makes its seemingly inevitable, albeit hazy, march out from the black market and into legality, pot consumers are gradually discovering they have the ability to be discerning.

In the 20 states that permit medical marijuana, as well as the pair of states—Colorado and Washington—that have legalized it for recreational use, potential potheads no longer have to worry about the long arm of the law when picking up a dime bag. Instead, people’s concerns about buying pot are coming to look a lot more like those about ordering Chinese food or renting a pair of skis: Where do I go to get the stuff I like at the cheapest price?

Enter: Leafly, a website and smartphone app that functions like Yelp but for pot…

Marihuana app?

1 minute movies

Cada día me encuentro con cosas más interesantes hechas a partir de GIFs animados. Supongo que el aumento en los anchos de banda y en las capacidades generales de todo lo que tiene que ver con computadores e internet puede hacer que cosas que parecían ya viejas y agotadas adquieran nuevas posibilidades creativas y de aplicación.

Aquí por ejemplo hay un sitio en Reddit donde se están dedicando a hacer “resúmenes visuales” de películas famosas, contadas fugazmente a través de un Gif89a que dura exactamente un minuto. El resultado es una curiosa versión “visual” de lo que se cono como lectura rápida (o lectura veloz)…

You sit down with a big bowl of buttered popcorn, turn on the monitor, and start playing the latest Hollywood blockbuster. A minute later, the movie is over and your fingertips are barely covered in salt. 

You’ve just watched a full movie condensed into one GIF, a quick-moving animation that features only the best and most essential scenes from your favorite film.

These GIFs are from Reddit’s r/FullMovieGifs, a two-day-old subreddit featuring aminations of films like Aliens, Finding Nemo, and The Shining.The forum and a majority of the GIFs were made by matt01ss. Check out the top 10 GIFs so far…

1 minute movies