Death Metal in a box

Aquí hay una propuesta escultórica extrema (bueno, es más un happening)…
Una banda de death-metal llamada “Unfathomable Ruination" tocó dentro de esta caja sellada hasta quedarse totalmente sin aire.  El objeto cúbico, y la documentación del performance (que son los sonidos de un grupo de músicos tocando bajo el efecto de la asfixia) formó parte de un proyecto del artista portugués Joao Onofre, creado para el festival ”Sculpture in the city“, realizado en Londres…

A death metal band is living up to the type of music it creates by risking suffocation and playing in 
an airtight, soundproof steel box. 

The band, called Unfathomable Ruination, has been performing on the streets of London as part of a project called Box Sized DIE and they play until the oxygen runs out.

The idea was the creation of Portuguese artist Joao Onofre which formed part of an exhibition called Sculpture in the City.

ccording to the artist behind the piece, the box is a symbol of the ‘boxy’ offices in the area where people work. 

Onofre said: ‘In this corporate architecture you do not see what is going on inside. The same thing is happening here.’

So how long can a death metal band play in an airtight, soundproof box – the band lasted 14 minutes the first time they played and have so far reached the 19 minute mark…

Death Metal in a box