
Convierte tus fotos en imágenes creadas de puros emoticones. Sorprenda a tus amigos y colegas por el chat! Sea el alma de las fiestas! Una de esas apps con las que dan ganas de jugar. Sólo para iPhone, por ahora…

The first and only app in the app store, ‘emojify’ published by singaporean-based studio voidworks brings emoji to ascii art, giving smart phone users the option to transform photo pixels into emoticons – creating unique pictures of whatever the subject chooses. the resulting images, rendered entirely with emoji icons are customizable by simply varying the number of the icons or by changing the contrast of the algorithm. the process gives people the option to share the newly created pictures via social media networks facebook, twitter, weibo or email. emojify also exports up to 16 megapixels so the resulted images can be printed as posters and displayed on walls at home…


N. Mandela monument

En un blog de arte y diseño (que recomiendo) llamado DesignBoom me encontre esta curiosa escultura de un artista Surfaricano para conmemorar el 50 aniversario de Nelson Mandela….

South african artist marco cianfanelli has constructed a monument to recognize the 50 year anniversary of peace activist and politician nelson mandela’s 
capture by the apartheid police in 1962. mandela’s profile spans 50 steel columns measuring 21.32 and 29.52 feet (6.5 and 9 meters) high, each anchored 
to the concrete-covered ground. the shape and form of the sculpture are representative of the leader’s 27 years behind bars for his efforts to bring equal rights 
and governmental representation to the once racially divided nation. the statue of the nobel prize winner has been erected in howick, a town located 56 miles
(90 kilometers) south from the city of durban in the countryside of the southernmost african country….



nelson mandela monument by marco cianfanelli