¿Estas demente?

Cantab, una aplicación para diagnosticar demencia, creada por la comunidad de investigación y desarrollo neuro-científico de la Universidad de Cambridge. Antes los doctores podían hacer esto sólo con meses de estudios. La app lo hace en por medio de un test de 10 minutos.
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Doctors can now reduce process of testing for dementia from three years to 10 minutes.

Cantab, a new iPad app from Cambridge Cognition, is designed to help early diagnoses of dementia. The technology, based on testing developed at the University of Cambridge, is designed to be easy for patients to use.

Cantab is available in 20 language, with options to encrypt test results for printing or including in a patient’s file.

The company warns that Cantab is only meant to aid preliminary diagnosis and is not a comprehensive recommendation. The test tracks scores for both mood and functional impairment, which give doctors a better idea of how to proceed with screening and treatment.

Cambridge Cognition is only distributing the app to registered healthcare professionals in the UK, since it is not yet designed for public use. Currently, 10 different practices in the UK use the app…


¿Estas demente?