Warning: Leave Earth Before the Ruling Class Destroys It…

– Stephen Hawking

“Although the chance of a disaster to planet Earth in a given year might be quite low, it adds up over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next thousand or ten thousand years.

By that time, we should have spread out into space, and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.

However, we will not establish self-sustaining colonies in space for at least the next hundred years, so we have to be very careful in this period”…


Exploding whale.com

En 1970 apareció una ballena muerta en la playas de Portland, Oregon. La gente no supo que hacer con ella y decidió volarla con dinamita.

El resultado de esa mala decisión es algo así como ver la película “Lluvia de hamburguesas” (“Cloudy with a chance of meatballs”, 2009), pero con pedazos de ballena podrida…

Ya había  posteado algo relacionado con “ballenas explosivas”, pero esta historia es tan buena que decidí publicarla como el volúmen 2 del tema.
El caso es tan famoso y aleccionador que existe por ahí un video del desastre y hasta un sitio web dedicado al caso…
(theexplodingwhale.com). Enjoy…

Yesterday we brought you the story of a blue whale that washed up on the shore of a small town in Canada. The people in the town don’t have the resources to deal with the carcass properly, but aren’t getting any help from the federal government. Dead whales become grossly inflated from gas buildup as they decompose, so the clock is ticking as the people of Trout River decide what to do. 

Luckily, they have a perfect example of what NOT to do thanks to the town of Florence, Oregon who were faced with a similar situation in 1970. Instead of dealing with the animal responsibly by popping it or dragging it back out to sea where scavengers could deal with the carcass, it was decided that the whale could be blasted out into the water using dynamite. The blast was planned to be strong enough to clear the whale from the beach while also vaporizing any stray whale bits that resulted in the explosion.

Unfortunately, the amount of dynamite was not properly calculated and the result was quite messy. This story has served as a cautionary tale for whale disposal ever since. Check out what happened…


Exploding whale.com

Fukushima’s real effects

El proyecto independiente de Turner Radio Network acaba de publicar unos datos extra-oficiales donde se dejan ver los efectos, prácticamente en todo el mundo, del desastre nuclear de Fukushima en 2011: niños deformes en California, ballenas suiidándose por todo el pacífico, osos sin pelo y zonas de Alaska completamente inhabitables, y la lista sigue…

Por su supuesto, estos datos nunca van a llegar a los medios masivos, asi que lo correcto es ayudar a difundirlos…

Por cierto, en su sitio web (


) también se ofrece el servicio de alerta directo en tu mail, por si te interesa enterarte cuando la radiación llegue demasiado cerca de tí…

November 25, 2013 – (TRN 


 ) – Radiation reaching the United States from the nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima, Japan is causing significant harm; affecting newborn Human babies in California, Pacific Ocean sea life, and even inland wild life.  Radiation is causing massive die-offs of sea life as well as mammals, birds and reptiles inland. High percentages of inland animals that are not already dead are losing their fur, bleeding from lesions all over their bodies and failing to reproduce. Radiation contamination of sea food is already confirmed and contamination of the inland food supply is now taking place as rain carries radiation from the Pacific ocean to inland farms.  U.S. Government propagandists are claiming everything is all right – but they aren’t even monitoring radiation levels – while scientists outside the government are warning the worst is yet to come. Newly released government projections (contained in this article) show parts of Hawaii, Alaska and the entire west coast of North America may become uninhabitable due to radioactive Cesium-137 making its way toward us in the Pacific…

Turner Radio Network – Providing the facts the mass-media won’t…


Fukushima’s real effects

Philippines before & after

Una galería de NBCnews con imágenes satelitales mostrando la destrucción (el antes y el después) causada por el ultimo tifón en Filipinas. Imágenes como estas están siendo utilizadas en una interesante aplicación online que por medio de crowdsourcing está ayudando a detectar y evaluar el daño. Por si quieren ayudar de esa manera.
Aprovecho también para compartir esta lista de ligas y organizaciones, por si alguien quiere/puede ayudar de manera tradicional -con donativos- a rescatar lo poco que quedó de la isla…

Ayuda liga 1 – http://bit.ly/17uzJkl
Ayuda liga 2 – http://huff.to/17uyTnA
Ayuda liga 3 – http://bit.ly/17uzFkB

Several hours before Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines on Nov. 7, DigitalGlobe activated FirstLook, an online service that provides satellite imagery of large scale disasters. Their satellites collected more than 7,300 square miles of imagery in the areas hardest hit by the typhoon — one of the strongest storms to ever make landfall.

DigitalGlobe has also made a plea for volunteers to help map the devastation.  Through a crowdsourcing campaign on their Tomnod website, users are able to identify regions and landmarks affected. The data collected will be used by emergency management, first responders and commercial clients to assess and deploy personnel…


Bhopal – 1984

Otra foto para la colección de “imágenes dramáticas”. Esta es del Desastre de Bhopal, ocurrido el 3 de diciembre de 1984 en la región de Bhopal (India), se originó al producirse una fuga de 42 toneladas de isocianato de metilo en una fábrica de pesticidas…

Pablo Bartholomew is an acclaimed Indian photojournalist who captured the Bhopal Gas Tragedy into his lens. Twenty-six years have passed since India’s worst industrial catastrophe injured 558,125 people and killed as many as 15,000. Because safety standards and maintenance procedures had been ignored at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, a leak of methyl isocyanate  gas and other chemicals triggered a  massive environmental and human disaster. Photographer Pablo Bartholomew rushed to document the catastrophe. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist. “This expression was so moving and so powerful to tell the whole story of the tragedy”, said Raghu Rai.

Top 10 Pictures That Shocked The World  – http://bit.ly/AqwrSW

The Dying Sea

A photographic project by Czech-born Radek Skrivanek, that examines on of the most devastating environmental disasters ever perpetred by mankind. Between the 1960’s and 1998, Aral sea, that once was the earth’s fourth largest inland body of water, a lake of some 26,000 square miles, shrunk to 10% of its original size.

The diversion of its feeder rivers by Soviet authorities, for the purpose of growing cotton caused the death of the Aral sea, resulting in a change in local climate, serious public health problems, and hardships for a population that had once depended on the lake for its livelihood.

The fledgling nations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan inherited this disaster from their former Soviet governors. Remote from Western concerns as it may seem, the lake’s location is at the 45 parallel, the same as the American great lakes. Not long ago, the Aral sea was larger than aal of them save for Lake Superior…
