Dragon bridge

Y así buscando rarezas por la vida me encontré este puente con forma de dragón (Cầu Rồng) en la ciudad de Da Nang, Vietnam, que como todo buen draconiano escupe fuego (y vapor) por las noches…

If you thought dragons – those fearsome creatures of myth and legend – only come to life in video games – you’d be mistaken. Allow me to enlighten you. Every night, a fire-spewing, water-spraying, 568 meter-long dragon, with an 18-meter-wide head and a 19.73 meters wide tail comes to life in Da Nang.

The very definition of an Asian boomtown, Da Nang has changed from a backwater harbor to a metropolis featuring high-rise hotels, expensive real estate, palatial beachside resorts, a beautifully designed airport, and one of the world’s most unique bridges.

The metro area, which is home to more than a million people, is divided by the Han River. Two bridges now connect the city’s downtown and airport with the main beach and resort area (there are six bridges over the Han in all). Both of the urban spans are lit up brightly at night, but the newer of the pair has a little bit more light, thanks to the fire-breathing dragon that sits just above its roadway…


World’s greatest Robot

Fuera de las caricaturas (o de la fantasía en general), el robot mas grande del mundo no es Mazzinger, Voltron, ni los de Robotech o Pacific RIM. De hecho ni siquiera es japonés.
El record Guiness al robot mas grande del mundo lo acaba de ganar este dragón que forma parte de un show medieval en el parque Drachenstich, en alemania. Y como todo buen dragón, mueve sus alitas camina y hasta escupe fuego…

The Guinness World Records just awarded the “world’s largest walking robot” prize to a Dragon!

Created by Germany’s Zollner Elektronik AG, this remote-controlled beast is GORGEOUS. Seriously, we want to ride him and hug him and sleep curled up by his belly. Named Tradinno, this dragon was built to replace the older dragon for the theme park Drachenstich, but we think they should just make the two dragons fight…


World’s greatest Robot