Movie Easter Eggs

A ver cinéfilos, aquí van algunos “easter eggs” (curiosidades escondidas) en algunas de las películas que más deben gustarles, para seguir con la tontería esta de buscar cositas escondidas en Pascua (sí, cositas escondidas por un conejo bobo cuyo simbolismo, dicho sea de paso, la mayoria de la gente no puede explicar).

Pero bueno, disfruten su juego…

Biting the heads off chocolate bunnies and determining the flavor of questionably colored jellybeans is fun and all that, but cinephiles know the best way to celebrate Easter is by geeking out over movie easter eggs. Yes, we’re talking about those inside jokes, hidden messages, and clever visual puns that filmmakers sneak into their movies so that obsessive fans and eagle-eyed viewers can win bragging rights. We revisited 10 clever movie easter eggs that you might have missed. Feel free to add your favorites, below…

Movie Easter Eggs