An Embroidery of Voids

Un video bastante surreal del video artista neozelandés Daniel Crooks, que solo se me ocurre describir como “caminar por un corredor multi-dimensional”. Alguien debería usar este recurso en alguna película, video, o algo. Seguro no tardan…

Trying to describe this short film by artist Daniel Crooks (previously) is a bit challenging, but once you start watching you’ll get the idea. Crooks filmed narrow passages, alleys, and other nooks and crannies that he stitched together into this seemingly infinite corridor. Make sure to turn up the volume or put on some headphones, Byron Scullin‘s sound design adds an entirely different dimension.

The piece was originally commissioned by Silvia and Michael Kantor for the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. The video embedded here is courtesy

Anna Schwartz Gallery, and you can watch a slightly higher resolution version on Vimeo. If you enjoyed this as much as I did, you’ll also want to watch Crooks’ A Garden of Parallel Paths. (via Booooooom)

Parallax Top40

Aquí una buena recopilación de los 40 sitios que mejor sacan provecho del efecto Parallax (o de mapeado por paralaje), que es una técnica de scroll que mediante la superposición de varias capas y el movimiento independiente de estas, crea una sensación de profundidad. Para entender mejor este aparente sinsentido, vamos a Wikipedia.

Este efecto se utiliza tipicamente en los videojuegos, sin ir mas lejos, el primer ejemplo lo encontramos en el Moon Patrol de 1982 y desde entonces se ha usado para suplir la carencia de profundidad que nos dan las representaciones bidimensionales, ya sea un videojuego, o como en este caso una web…


In this round up, we have some fantastic examples and uses of the parallax effect for you. The parallax scrolling effect, now a firm design trend, is a technique that uses multiple background images that move at different, yet synchronized, speeds as the user scrolls down (also, less popularly, horizontally) a web page. The overall effect gives the viewer a seamless and intriguing browsing experience that just looks damn good!

At the bootom of the page we have also included a selection of tutorials to help get yopu started…

Parallax Top40

Troxler’s Fading

Take a good look at this image. In fact, stare at it, dead center. There’s no trick to it; just look straight ahead, relax, and watch as something you know is there vanishes into nothingness.

Got it? Good. Here’s how it works.

What you just experienced is what’s known as Troxler’s Fading, which simply holds that when you stare at a fixed point for long enough, everything in your peripheral vision eventually disappears. That’s why our eyes are constantly, imperceptibly moving. In the same way you feel your t-shirt when you put it on but don’t notice it after several minutes of sitting still, neurons in your visual system tend to ignore an unvarying stimulus. Ergo: fade to white…

Troxler’s Fading