Don’t Emoji and Drive

“Textear” y conducir aumenta 23 veces la probabilidad de tener un accidente de tránsito, además de que la distancia que transcurre en promedio al mandar un mensaje es de 20 metros, informan especialistas la Universidad Anáhuac y Daimler.

Para celebrar el “World Emoji Day“ Ford en compañía de la agencia creativa Blue Hive de Italia, pone de su lado a los emoticones para tratar de crear conciencia en el tema, esto por medio de una inusual publicidad online bajo la frase “Don’t emoji and drive”…

Here’s a quick but ingenious one. July 17 was World Emoji Day. (Yeah, yeah, I know — there are far more important causes to call attention to in this world than the use of emojis to communicate. But, hey, we’re living in a time where a clown running for President gets more coverage than, well, anything else.)World Emoji Day was created by Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge. The purpose of the celebration, according to the official World Emoji Day site, “is to spread the  enjoyment that emojis bring to our lives with all of those  around us”…

A veces sentía que abusaba mucho de los emoticones, al tener el vicio de cerrar muchos de los mensajes que mando con esto:  ; ) o con esto: , )
Pero después de que vi este estudio, me siento felizmente justificado…

People who use emoji have more sex than those who don’t…

Here’s something that will leave you speechless: Singles who use emoji are having more sex than those who prefer to use their words.

According to’s Singles in America survey, 54% of emoji users had sex in 2014, compared to 31% of singles who didn’t use them. And 64% of men and 46% of women who use emoji regularly are having sex at least monthly.

The survey, considered to be the largest, most comprehensive study of single men and women, polled more than 5,675 singles whose demographics represent the U.S. Census’ population…

Emoji Miley

Hace poco salió una página llamada con una web app en la que el internauta puede usar prácticamente cualquier “emoticon“ como pincel. Con eso nació esta forma de net-art basada en pintar con emojis. Chequen por ejemplo el trabajo del artista e ilustrador Yung Jake 

A few weeks ago we wrote about a new online, that lets you draw with any combination of the 722 emoji available on iOS. As we predicted, it didn’t take long for Internet art kids to get a hold of the tool and have some fun. Rapper and net artist Yung Jake, who in the past has written about glitch art and dealing with break ups online, beat the competition to create the first real emoji paintings…


Convierte tus fotos en imágenes creadas de puros emoticones. Sorprenda a tus amigos y colegas por el chat! Sea el alma de las fiestas! Una de esas apps con las que dan ganas de jugar. Sólo para iPhone, por ahora…

The first and only app in the app store, ‘emojify’ published by singaporean-based studio voidworks brings emoji to ascii art, giving smart phone users the option to transform photo pixels into emoticons – creating unique pictures of whatever the subject chooses. the resulting images, rendered entirely with emoji icons are customizable by simply varying the number of the icons or by changing the contrast of the algorithm. the process gives people the option to share the newly created pictures via social media networks facebook, twitter, weibo or email. emojify also exports up to 16 megapixels so the resulted images can be printed as posters and displayed on walls at home…