Surfers’ Paradise

An artist residency and exhibition in Melbourne from November 1 – 10, featuring 15 Australian artists who will create, document and upload artwork to the internet over the course of the event.

The internet has introduced new ways for artists to create, exhibit and distribute their work. For the audience and art communities it provides a new context for the perception of art. Surfers’ Paradise will explore the working process of Australian artists engaging with this new paradigm, with particular focus on cultural identity, materiality, aesthetics and the social function of their work.


Surfers’ Paradise internet artist residency and exhibition in Melbourne, Australia.

Art of science

The Art of Science exhibition explores the interplay between science and art. These practices both involve the pursuit of those moments of discovery when what you perceive suddenly becomes more than the sum of its parts. Each piece in this exhibition is, in its own way, a record of such a moment.

This is the fifth Art of Science competition hosted by Princeton University. The 2011 competition drew 168 submissions from 20 departments. The exhibit includes work by undergraduates, faculty, research staff, graduate students, and alumni.

The 56 works chosen for the 2011 Art of Science exhibition represent this year’s theme of “intelligent design” which we interpret in the broadest sense. These extraordinary images are not art for art’s sake. Rather, they were produced during the course of scientific research. Entries were chosen for their aesthetic excellence as well as scientific or technical interest…

Art of science