
Un like no identificado me llevó a visitar un perfil de Facebook donde estaba este extraño GIF animado inspirado en el trabajo del diseñador Piero Fornasetti, otro de esos artistas obsesivos que tanto me gustan, creador de un emporio de diseño en Italia y de la famosa serie de ilustraciones vintage (más de 350), con la cara de la soprano Lina Cavalieri.

Quizás a esa persona solo le gustó la carita, pero yo soy muuucho más curioso, lo que sin googlear demasiado me condujo a este increíble sitio de la marca de diseño Fornasetti (ahora admistrada por su hijo), con un excelente recorrido virtual por la vida y obra de este artista de principios de siglo pasado.

Gracias al desconocido por el regalo. Mi consejo para internet -y para la vida- es: naveguen amigos, naveguen mucho…

Piero Fornasetti (10 November 1913 – 9 October 1988) was an Italian painter, sculptor, interior decorator and engraver.

He lived most of life in Milan, attending the Brera Art Academy from 1930-32 when he was expelled for insubordination. During World War II, he went into exile in Switzerland from 1943-46. He created more than 11,000 items, many featuring the face of a woman, operatic soprano Lina Cavalieri, as a motif. Fornasetti found her face in a 19th-century magazine. “What inspired me to create more than 500 variations on the face of a woman?” asks Italian designer, Piero Fornasetti of himself. “I don’t know,” he admits, “I began to make them and I never stopped.” The “Tema e Variazioni” (theme and variation) plate series based on Cavalieri’s face numbered more than 350.

Other common features in his work include heavy use of black and white, the sun and time. His style is reminiscent of Greek and Roman architecture, by which he was heavily influenced.

Today it is most common to see Fornasetti’s style in fashion and room accessories such as scarves, ties, lamps, furniture, china plates and tables.

His son, Barnaba Fornasetti, continues to design in his father’s name…


Otra idea para rockear con tu regalo de navidad: cojines con tu cara impresa (o la de quien quieras ponerle)…

– Turn your face into an outlandish cushion
– Terrifying, but extremely comfortable
– Cuddle up to your morphed mug
– Also works as a wonderfully weird gift
– Comes in packs of one or three.

What would you rather cuddle up with – a boring, dull normal cushion or someone’s squishy, distorted face? Stupid question, we know.

These aptly named ‘Mushions’ are wondrously weird. If there’s as effective a conversation starter in the whole entire world as having your chops printed on a gloriously comfortable cushion, we’re yet to hear about it…

Face transplant

Patrick Hardison, un rescatista de Mississippi de 41 años quedó totalmente desfigurado en un incendio. Pero acaba de hacerse un transplante completo de cara, uno de los más difíciles en la historia de la cirugía. Vean el video de cómo quedó aquí.

Pero les advierto, ver (y oir) su nueva cara hablando es igual de impresionante o más que ver la cara quemada que tenía antes. Es como si se hubiera puesto una máscara de otra persona.

No jueguen con fuego amigos…

A volunteer firefighter from Mississippi whose face was burned off during a home fire rescue received the world’s most extensive face transplant, New York University Langone Medical Center said on Monday.

After a 26-hour surgery performed at the New York hospital in August, 41-year-old Patrick Hardison is living with the face of 26-year-old David Rodebaugh, a BMX extreme bicycling enthusiast from Brooklyn who was pronounced brain dead after a cycling accident.

He received a full scalp and face, including ears, nose, lips and upper and lower eyelids.

Now, for the first time since that raging fire in Senatobia, Mississippi in 2001, Hardison can blink and even sleep with his eyes closed – key steps to sparing his blue eyes from blindness that previously seemed all but inevitable, said Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez, the plastic surgeon who led the 150-person medical team that performed the procedure.

Simultaneous surgeries took place, Rodriguez said, with Hardison on one operating table while Rodebaugh was on the other. The NYU medical team had practiced for a full year to get it right…

Real slow

Acabo de estar un buen rato jugando con un video interactivo creado por el diseñador (aun no graduado) Nithi Prasanpranch, para la canción “Real Slow” del grupo australiano de tecno-pop Miami Horror, y que usa un Sistema de Reconocimiento Facial como nunca lo había visto: controlando la música con tus gestos, inclinando tu cabeza, abriendo tu boca, y otras acciones corporales y faciales que determinan lo que oyes y lo que ves.

Obvio no se ve en mobile, pero si tienen un computadora cerca (con webcam) les recomiendo que jueguen un rato con esto, es bastante adictivo…

This is a personal project, created by Nithi Prasarnphanich, an art director, interaction designer, and creative technologist, currently pursuing a masters degree in Integrated Digital Media at New York University. He claims this is the first time you can use your face to control music and I think his claim may be valid as I haven’t experienced this before. These type of projects are very pioneering and can often lead to far wider uses. Kudos to Nithi…

Autoretrato Sensorial

El artista plástico brasileño Edu Monteiro tiene esta rara serie de auto-retratos donde nunca se ve su cara. El resultado visual obtenido va desde lo conceptual y auto-analítico hasta lo puramente escultórico, y de lo humorístico hasta lo realmente desconcertante. Mi favorita es esta que comparto y la del pulpo…

Autorretrato sensorial é uma ficção pessoal. O impulso surgiu ao ver uma máscara sensorial da artista plástica brasileira Lygia Clark. Com ela, veio a vontade de experimentar, manusear, vestir aquele objeto de sensações e autoanálise, proposto pela artista.Comecei então a criar minhas próprias máscaras, não só inspiradas em poéticas utilizadas por Lygia, mas também em diferentes artistas ao longo da história da arte, que de alguma forma marcam minha memória. Inspirado nessa proposta, produzo autotransformações em vez de usar os corpos dos outros, como faziam Clark e Oiticica. Ofereço meu próprio corpo e mente a experiên- cias semelhantes com as que Lygia trabalhava no “arquivo de memórias” dos seus pacientes: os seus medos e fragilidades, através do sensorial…


Estaba buscando ideas con softwares innovadores y me encontré con este demo online de un api de reconocimiento facial llamado Face Plus Plus. Me pareció un juguetote y me sorprendió la cantidad de datos que una máquina ya puede obtener de un rostro humano (en vivo o de una foto de él). La intensidad de la sonrisa, el color de piel, la edad aproximada, lentes, cantidad de cabello, índice de obesidad, contacto visual, y otras muchas características de las facciones y expresiones básicas de una cara, que de algún modo se pueden además interpretar de manera bastante acertiva como reflejo de nuestras emociones. Lo que acerca un poco mas a las computadoras a poder “saber” lo que pensamos o sentimos.

¿Exagero? No lo creo. No digo que un programita como este te pueda leer la mente. Peeero… si esto es un demo online básico y “sin ajustar”, como ellos mismos lo advierten (sus creadores, la empresa china Megvii), ni imaginarse lo que ya tienen en agencias como la CIA, el FBI o la Interpol…

Face++™ is a new vision platform built by Megvii Inc. aiming at providing compact, powerful, and cross-platform vision service. Face++ uses the cutting-edge technology of computer vision and data mining to provide 3 core vision services (Detection, Recognition, and Analysis). With the service and huge database of celebrity from Face++, the developers can apply the face technology into their own websites, mobile Apps, and smart TVs, increasing incredible user experience…

Twin Strangers

Si quieren encontrar a su gemelo, su clon, su duplicado, o como le llamen, vean este sitio y el proyecto que contiene ( Básicamente un concurso que vive en la plataforma de Facebook, crowdsourced, y que aprovecha los millones de fotos y usuarios online para hacer un match facial de tu cara con la de otra persona en algún lugar del planeta, y ver cuántos gemelos “perdidos" existen por ahi. Aún es muy elemental su forma de operar, pero podría evolucionar hacia algo más automático (SaaS).

De hecho, con los softwares de reconocimiento facial que actualmente ya existen y ciertos permisos concedidos, el search podría ser casi instantáneo.

¿Encontrar alguien idéntico a tí con sólo dar un clic? Eso sería inmoralmente interesante…

They say there are 7 people in the world who look exactly like you…we want to find OUR Twin Strangers.

We’re three friends (Harry, Niamh and Terence) who have set ourselves a pretty unusual challenge: to see if we can find our Twin Stranger or lookalike from anywhere in the world.

Whoever finds the closest match wins the competition but they only have ONE MONTH to do it! Do you look any of us? Do you know anyone who looks like us?! Upload your photo or share this page with your friends to help us find our perfect Twin Stranger…

Twin Strangers

Flash Face

Un app apara hacer retratos hablados. Sí muy al estilo policiaco (nada de avatars tiernitos o caricaturizados). Amiguito, amiguita, no esperen  a ser asaltados, secuestrados o violados. Descarguen hoy mismo Flash Face  y aprendan a hacer el retrato hablado de su peor enemigo antes de conocerlo.
Disponible para iOS y Android


Small version with 800+ face elements is only for mobile phones with low (320x480px) screen resolution.Must-have app for all police officers and detectives.Have you ever wanted to be a police sketch artist?
Well, now you can use the flashface app and create sketches of criminals or yourself and your friends. It provides a large number of each facial components including eyes, nose, mouth, hair, head, eyebrows, glasses, mustache, jaw and beard.

– You can move and scale all face elements on the screen.
– You can save the faces
– You can load/open saved faces
– You can export faces as JPEG image

Flash Face

The Book that judges you

¿Que tal esto? Un libro con reconocimiento facial, que juzga a su lector (según su expresión) para ver si está libre de prejuicios para dejarlo leer su contenido.
Creado por el estudio el estudio creativo Moore (en Amsterdam), y se trata de un prototipo para la memoria 2015 de la Art Directors Club Netherlands que contendrá una selección de trabajos creativos…

Designed by Thijs Biersteker, an ex-Wieden & Kennedy creative who founded Moore, The Cover That Judges You has an integrated camera and facial-recognition technology that scans the face of whoever approaches. The system will scan your face for any signs of “judgment.” So, for example, if you are over-excited or your face indicates feelings of skepticism, the book cover stays locked. But if your expressions are neutral, the system will send an audio pulse to the Arduino micro-controller and the book will unlock itself. The reader can then browse inside the book.

APEAD: Face, 3

Memorable campañita impresa para la APEAD (Asociación Peruana de Enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras Demencias). Tan doloroso como olvidar es ser olvidado…

Advertising Agency: Yellow, Lima, Peru
Chief Creative Officer: Enzo Montalbetti
Creative Director: Christian Urcia
Art Director: Jimmy Veliz Melgarejo
Copywriters: Christian Urcia, Jorge Bryson
Photographer: Ángel Chávez
Post Production: Rodrigo Cortez / RGB Estudio Digital
Photography Director: Daniel Abramonte, Daniel Muñoz
Make up: Adriana Echeverria
Published: September 2014

Being forgotten is as painful as forgetting.
At apead we help you deal with living with an Alzheimer’s patient.