
El artista multimedia e ingeniero Sterling Crispin, hace estos experimentos con software de reconocimiento facial, para dar vida después (con impresión 3D) a estas extrañas caras que son desconcertantes para nosotros, pero totalmente reconocibles  (y “válidas”) para una inteligencia artificial. Así su obra hace una interesante reflexión sobre la identidad en el mundo digital, y cómo esta siendo afectada por la biometría de última generación y la perdida de la privacidad (entre otras cosas).

Así nos ven las computadoras amigos…

I’m using state of the art face recognition and face detection algorithms to guide an evolving system toward the production of human-like faces. This exposes the way the machine and the surveillance state view human identity and makes aspects of these invisible power structures visible.

This is meant as a theoretical and technical investigation into the form and function of biometric surveillance technology, which is the mathematical analysis of biological data.

Theoretically, I am concerned with the aggressive overdevelopment of surveillance technology and how this is changing human identity and how humanity interacts with technology. By technology I mean individual instances of technological devices and networked systems like cameras and software, but also what I identify as the ’Technological Other’, a global living super-organism of all machines and software. Technically, my specific focus has been in reverse engineering facial recognition, facial detection, and image correlation techniques in order to reveal how they represent human identity…

Face blindness


How easily can you identify these well-known people?

It can be difficult to understand how someone can see a familiar face and not recognize it, so Brad Duchaine demonstrates it by taking famous faces and turning them upside down. It’s just a taste of what it’s like to have prosopagnosia, or what’s more commonly called face blindness.

People with prosopagnosia, an incurable neurological disorder, often can’t recognize their family and friends — or even their own reflections.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are “super recognizers” who can remember people they’ve seen only briefly even after years have passed.

Are you face blind? Are you a super recognizer?

We’ve got tests to help you find out

Homo floresiensis

Ahora resulta que los “Hobbits” realmente existieron. Según recientes hallazgos antropológicos en una isla cerca de Indonesia, hace unos 17.000 años hubo una raza de cara humanoide, con solo unos 3 pies de altura (“only children to your eyes”), a los que se les ha empezado a llamar como los personajes de los libros de Tolkien…

Australian anthropologist Susan Hayes from the University of Wollongong has completed the first ever forensic facial reconstruction of Homo floresiensisan extinct human relative that lived on the island of Flores as early as 17,000 years ago. And perhaps surprisingly, her interpretation reveals a face that was startlingly human. This species, which measured only three feet (one meter) in height and weighed about 70 pounds (32 kilograms), would have been very Hobbit-like indeed…

Visyoualize yourself

Una de esas páginas en las que a uno se le puede ir toda la mañana jugando. BBDO NewYork creó para la marca japonesa Denon (株式会社デノン) un sitio donde se puede vivir la experiencia de su equipo de audio, en específico de sus audífonos de alta fidelidad. El usuario puede crear un alter-ego “holográfico” que se mueve y “baila” de acuerdo a su estilo de música favorito…

The Denon VisYOUalizer shows people how it feels to wear headphones tailored to their lifestyle. Users upload a photo or activate their webcam, and are transformed into a living, breathing, 3D music equalizer… 

Fragments of RGB

This project experiments with illusion and perception on various levels. The classic LED screen as a medium was simulated and disintegrated by the creation of a pixel-like optic using simple projection rather than the entire image’s being comprised of individual points of light.

If one examines the idea of perception more closely, especially individual perception – which differs from individual to individual – then a second consideration arises in regard to »fragments of RGB.

laub, kiefer gbr
Libauer Straße 16
10245 Berlin

Blow job

Lithuanian photographer and artist Tadao Cern has been working on a series of hilarious portraits entitled, ahem, Blow Job, that depicts individuals enduring gale-force winds directly to the face. Say goodbye to the next 15 minutes, he’s taken over 100 portraits so far. And if you liked these, here’s a similar series by Jonathan Robert Willis from last year. (via behance)…

What is a face?


How Does Our Brain Know What Is a Face and What’s Not?

Objects that resemble faces are everywhere. Whether it’s New Hampshire’s erstwhile granite “Old Man of the Mountain,” or Jesus’ face on a tortilla, our brains are adept at locating images that look like faces. However, the normal human brain is almost never fooled into thinking such objects actually are human faces.

Full Story: Science Daily

A new study from Sinha and his colleagues reveals the brain activity that underlies our ability to make that distinction. On the left side of the brain, the fusiform gyrus – an area long associated with face recognition – carefully calculates how “facelike” an image is. The right fusiform gyrus then appears to use that information to make a quick, categorical decision of whether the object is, indeed, a face…

What is a face?

Disney face swap

Chequen el desconcertante “motivo” del Tumblr de este compañerito.
Hay gente muy dañada en el mundo… pero que se divierte bastante , )

Because there just isn’t enough ridiculous on the internet, I felt the need for a tumblr with even more silly face swapping fun.

You’re more than welcome to ask for a specific movie or characters in the ask. I’m personally new to the act of swapping faces, but I find it to be silly levels of fun, and will do my best to make you laugh…