Voice Driver

Para promocionar el nuevo Fairlady 370Z, NIssan Japon creó esta divertida experiencia en vivo (y en linea, este nov 17), donde puedes manejar un auto de carreras con tu voz. Un buen ejemplo de interfaces basadas en sonido…

Always wanted to be a race car driver? Nissan makes it easy for anyone to be the fastest driver on earth with the new game Voice Driver Cup.

Created to promote the new Fairlady 370Z, the 2013 version of the two-seater sports car, the game pits drivers against each other using only their voice.

Instead of driving a remote controlled car with an electric controller, voice volume becomes the controller. Drivers can yell into an iPhone app or into their computer microphone to alter the speed of their car — the louder their voice, the faster the car wil drive.

Nissan hosted the first Voice Driver Grand Prix on Nov. 1 at its company headquarters in Japan, where fans flocked to the 100-meter track to participate in person. But if you couldn’t make it to Japan, Nissan has a virtual event in which you can participate. On Nov. 17, Nissan will host a global Grand Prix, and anyone in the world to compete without leaving his or her desk…


Voice Driver