Alex Garant

Algo parece descompuesto en los retratos de esta pintora canadiense. Uno los ve y se quiere tallar los ojos para ver bien. O no (si piensas que la broma perceptiva que le hace a tu cerebro es totalmente intencional). Luego ves que no eres tú. Un divertido juego de incertidumbre visual.

Soy fan…

At first glance, the brain may want to see Garant’s portraits as realistically stunning paintings of young women, but they quickly change into mind-altering visions that make you do a double take. Or at least make you want to rub your eyes a little.“I wanted to play on the physical response…when your vision tries to adjust and adapt the image for full comprehension. I thought I could push the idea even further by playing with overlaying images, aiming to truly engage the viewer in the piece. Looking at one of those pieces should be more than just looking at something pretty, it should become an extra-sensorial experience,” Garant told Mashable…

Stop multi-tasking

Sáquenle el provecho que quieran a esto. Algunos tips curiosos para concentrarse mejor en el trabajo. El que más me llamó la atención fue el referente al multitasking, que muchas personas presumen como una cualidad. La verdad (que siempre ha sido obvia para mí) es que entre más cosas atiendes menos atención les das…

You probably don’t want to admit it but you love distractions. In fact, just like monkeys, you get a shot of dopamine every time something pulls you in another direction. Why do you think you check your email so much? Want to be more productive and get your focus back? There are no secret tricks here… do one thing at a time. Stop multitasking—it’s just another form of distraction. Easier said than done, I know. Recently I sat down with Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt whose client list includes Toyota, Honda, and Disney, to name a few. He’s an expert in keeping people on task, so I thought he’d be a good person to ask. Here are his tips for staying productive…

Stop multi-tasking