Deadliest animals

Aquí hay un bonito infográfico que nos hace un countdown de los 10 animales más dañinos para el ser humano (por suerte se incluye al hombre mismo dentro del conteo, pues si no quedaría totalmente incompleto).
Para los que no tengan claro a qué hay que tenerle miedo…

What is the world’s deadliest animal? Is it sharks? Snakes? No … nothing comes even close to a mosquito…

Deadliest animals

El texto predictivo en los buscadores de Google es una muestra bastante divertida de los intentos de este gigante tecnológico por ser más inteligente, que quiere prácticamente “leer” nuestra mente antes de que terminemos de escribir cualquier oración.

Pero claro, lo que el buscador hace no es magia. La única manera de que Google “aprenda” esto es a través de los millones de searches que se realizan diariamente en línea.

¿Porqué es divertido? vean este estudio de la empresa australina Search Factory. Cualquiera se sorprendería de ver algunas de las cosas que más son preguntadas por internet, por ejemplo…

“How to get away with murder?”

Scarily, one of the factors Google auto-complete takes into account when coming up with these ‘guesses’ is how often these similar searches are conducted. This got us thinking, just how much search volume is there for some of Google’s weirdest auto-complete suggestions? Take a look for yourself below: – See more at…

How to disappear

No, este post no tiene nada que ver con la canción de Radiohead (muy buena por cierto).
Me pareció interesante la complejidad  (y cantidad) de pasos que, según este post de @WhoIsHosting, actualmente se deben cumplir para poder borrarnos por completo del mundo digital.

Todo explicado a través de un bonito infográfico…

There’s a way to completely scrub your identity from the internet. While this might sound like hell to some — the world must know what I had for brunch! — it should come as a relief to people who hate the idea of having a traceable online presence and want to get off the grid.

For those who want to cut the cord with their internet identities, Who Is Hosting This has created a detailed guide that illustrates how you can completely disappear online. It starts with the simple stuff — like how to delete your Facebook accounts — and then gets more extreme. There are ways to falsify un-deletable accounts and even erase search results. Get off the grid and enjoy…

How to disappear

Dave Grohl’s world

(@LifeBoxset) The Nicest Guy In Rock está en todos lados (afortunadamente)

Aprovechando la visita de Foo Fighters a México, les compartimos un infograma de algunas de las más sobresalientes participaciones de Dave Grohl en la música…

David Eric “Dave” Grohl (born January 14, 1969) is an American rock musician, multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, and film director, who is the lead vocalist, guitarist, main songwriter and founder of the band Foo Fighters. Prior to Foo Fighters, Grohl was the drummer for the grunge band Nirvana. He is also the drummer and co-founder of the rock supergroup Them Crooked Vultures. Grohl has additionally written all the music and performed all the instruments for his short-lived side projects Late! and Probot, as well as being involved with Queens of the Stone Age numerous times throughout the past decade. He has performed session work (as a drummer) for a variety of musicians, including GarbageKilling JokeNine Inch Nails,David BowiePaul McCartneyThe ProdigySlashIggy PopJuliette LewisTenacious DRDGLDGRNTom Petty and the HeartbreakersLemmyStevie Nicks and Ghost.

Dave Grohl’s world

Everything you buy

Con este infográfico se hacen evidentes dos ideas que se cada vez se entienden más por el común de la gente:
1. En estos días de supuesta “libertad” e ideas revolucionarias, el dominio ya no es militante, religioso o ideológico de cualquier otra forma, sino económico
2. En estos días de supuesta “igualdad de derechos”, la distribución actual de la riqueza (capitalista) ha hecho que el poder sea cada vez  mas diferenciado -los rico son mas ricos y los pobres son masa pobres- y en manos de más pocos.

According to this chart via Reddit, called “The Illusion of Choice,” these corporations create a chain that begins at one of 10 super companies. You’ve heard of the biggest names, but it’s amazing to see what these giants own or influence.

Source: http://www.p…-shows-how

What it takes to be a graphic designer

Deberían incluir este infográfico en la contra portada de varios libros de prepa, para los que quieren estudiar diseño (que no son pocos) y no están seguros de servir para la carrera.
Ayudaría mucho a que no fuera de las carreras universitarias con mas abandono y de las profesiones con mas oferta actualmente en el mercado laboral.
Porque como decía Terminator: “desire – is – irrelevant”…

In the flowchart below by Sikich, the answer to that question becomes a little more clear. It’s the type of profession that requires many small decisions to be made before one can make an accurate big decision. Can you visually translate a concept or idea? Do you manage your time well? Do you even like people? These are just some of the questions that you should answer before making the choice.

Take a gander and tell us what conclusion you came to in the comments…

What it takes to be a graphic designer

Every 60 Seconds

Para que se den una idea de lo que pasa cada 60 segundos en internet (y creo que este infográfico no es el mas reciente al respecto)…

In a single minute there are over 695,000 status updates on Facebook. That’s just one example of the mind boggling scale of online activity.

The following infographics show a bunch of other incredible things that happen in 60 seconds (via Barry Ritholtz).

Ritholtz has been observing capital markets with a critical eye for 20 years. With a background in math & sciences and a law school degree, he is not your typical Wall St. persona. He left Law for Finance, working as a trader, researcher and strategist before graduating to asset management…

Every 60 Seconds

World life expectancy

Este infográfico que muestra el promedio de vida en cada país, forma parte de un proyecto internacional encabezado por LeDuc Media y dedicado a estudiar las condiciones de vida en diferentes lugares del mundo con el afán de entenderlas y mejorarlas…

Here now to provide a some perspective on the matter of mortality is a variegated patchwork comprising 188 of the world’s countries, with each nation color-coded in accordance with the average life expectancy of its citizens.

Click here for a hi-res version of the map up top, and here for an interactive one (the applet also allows for mapping by gender).

Just for fun, we’ve included the top twenty-five countries — as ranked by the CIA World Factbook’s 2012 estimates — here. Looking for America? Don’t bother. Depending on the data source, the U.S. usually comes in somewhere between 29th and 50th…

Who is more social?

Esta parece ser una pregunta un poco ociosa, pero los factores que se deben considerar para dar una respuesta objetiva arrojan datos muy interesantes en cuanto a los hábitos de consumo en las dos plataformas en cuestión (Android vs. iOS), así como otras fortalezas y debilidades en cada una de ellas.

Cualquier persona relacionada con el desarrollo de  estrategias de marketing digital debería tomar en cuenta lo que hay en este artículo (que además se sintetiza en un bonito infográfico)…

Currently in the United States we have two leading cellphone operators, Android and iOS. And we all know it’s about being connected and social nowadays, so which one is the most social of the two? To start off, there are 500 million activated Android devices and 410 million activated iPhone devices. But keep in mind, there are many types of Android phones available and the iPhone only has about 5 upgrades available.

Facebook takes the lead on the highest ranked social application on Android phones. Followed closely by Google+ and Instagram. However, the higher ranking social apps on iPhone are quite different. Coming in first place on the iPhone is Instamessage, then Pinterest and Twitter.

The photo and filter app Instagram only took one week to reach 5 million downloads on Android, compared to taking one month to reach 5 million downloads on iPhone. However, the iPhone was the only device that offered Instagram to begin with.

Android has 95 monthly active users (MAU) and out of the 68.2% of MAU that return daily, they have only received a 3.6 average rating. However, iPhone devices have 105 monthly active users and 57.9% of the MAU that return daily have given the phone a 4.0 average rating. Although this is the case, Android phones do have more unique app visitors than iphone; 10,623,000 more to be exact.

Speaking of apps, Android currently has 600,000 apps, most of which will run on tablets, but the number of tablet-optimized offerings is significantly lower than iOS. However, iOS currently has 650,000 apps and has 225,000 apps for iPad and is on top when it comes to apps as far as smartphone platforms go.

So in the end, who is more social? There are more downloads to popular social apps and a larger variety of devices for Android. However, Facebook and Twitter come integrate your contacts in the new iPhone 5, creating more connection and staying social with your friends and family. Where do you rank in the social world when it comes to devices and smartphones?

Who is more social?

Minute MBA

La “MBA” más pequeña del mundo (Master of Business Administration). Con el estilo infográfico animado de Andrew Parkque tanto se ha popularizado por los videos de la Royal Society of Arts (RSA)…

So you want to build an app, construct your dream gadget or become the next Steve Jobs. No matter what entrepreneurial visions you may want to venture, to be an entrepreneur you must be able to roll with the punches and understand that failure is a part of the process since 82% of the time you will.

This does not mean that your success isn’t awaiting you, but first you need to understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur and the risks and rewards that come with turning a vision into a reality. Money will never be the motive as to why you take the risk and increase your debt to ensure that what you want to see birthed is born, it will be built upon your passion and ambitions, then and only then, will you see results.

In the following video you will be able to measure your entrepreneurial strength through four statistics and see if you got the innovation for that start-up to see the light of day...