Vegetable scans

El cerebro humano es solo una de las muchas cosas a las que se les puede hacer resonancias magnéticas. Aquí por ejemplo, hay algunos experimentos con vegetales. Cortesía del blog “Inside Insides” de Andy Ellison…

Sorry it’s been so long since a new fruit! The list of unique fruits and vegetables is getting thin. I’m always open to some suggestions! Drop me an email if you can think of anything I should scan (fruit, veg or flower particularly)

This beast is the Jackfruit. Although it doesn’t show in the scan, this thing is massive. 22 lbs and about a foot and a half tall, I barely could fit it in any of my coils. Therefore you’ll notice that the scan isn’t the entire fruit, slices at either end of the stack were victims to horrific signal loss and ugly images, so I trimmed them off…

Vegetable scans