Hollywood creativity

Antes me frustraba bastante ver que todas las películas de Hollywood llegan a México con traducciones muy poco creativas de sus títulos, en las que a veces ya te contaron casi la mitad del asunto desde el nombre. Todas incluyen en su título la palabra “brutal” si son de acción y peleas, todas incluyen “amor” si son comedias románticas, “salvaje” sin tienen contenido erótico o “loco” si son algún tipo de comedia boba.
Al menos con esta nota sobre la predictibilidad en la mayoría de los carteles del cine norteamericano, me consuela un poco ver que lo mismo sucede allá a nivel visual, lo que me confirma que el mal (y la falta de creatividad) vienen desde el origen…

Recycling is good for the environment, but the story is not the same when it comes to film covers. Now I don’t want to make it seem that I’m completely bashing this industry, believe me I love well made movies, however I feel like pushing the creativity needs to be the goal for every film. Subconsciously we don’t notice that some of the newly released film covers  look more than a little familiar.

Christophe Courtois has managed to catch the elephant in the room using a visual manner. He made a compact collection of movie posters and put them together according to their genre. If you were to look back at posters from 50 years ago, you would happen to find cool and creative film covers. Some movies stray away from copy and pasting, while others chase currency…



With many possibilities of Photoshop, one magical category continues to turn heads. That skillful technique is knows as photo-manipulation. With the power of photo-editing applications, we are now able to merge two things together and get a surreal result. It may look like a piece of cake, but this kind of image editing takes many hours of practice.

For your amusement, we collected some creative animal photo-manipulations of experienced artist. All images present are of two different animals conjoined as one. Whether you think this is weird, creepy, or cool we hope that you will enjoy this inspirational showcase…
