
El video-artista Michael Haussman muestra la gravedad en cuerpos desnudos de una manera bastante hermosa. Son pocas las cosas en movimiento que no se ven hermosas a 2000 cuadros por segundo…

Jiggle. Blubber. Bounce. Gravity’s a bitch. It’s especially unforgiving if you jump up and down naked while getting filmed at 2000FPS. That sort of slow motion camera work exposes all the extra meat we carry on our bodies. LA video artist Michael Haussman captured naked people in slow motion to show you what you’re missing…

3D Module System

Christopher Bauder (born 1973) started working in the field of interactive installation art after finishing his studies in the Digital Media Class at the Berlin University of the Arts. His projects focus on the translation of bits and bytes into objects and environments and vice versa. Space, object, sound and interaction are the key elements of his work…


LivingSculpture 3D Module System

Berlin-based Christopher Bauder from WHITEvoid teamed up with Philips to create the LivingSculpture 3D module system. Made using Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs), an exciting light technology, the sculpture consists of tons of small mirror-flat panels that seem to undulate and flow like the ocean overhead.

Fragments of RGB

This project experiments with illusion and perception on various levels. The classic LED screen as a medium was simulated and disintegrated by the creation of a pixel-like optic using simple projection rather than the entire image’s being comprised of individual points of light.

If one examines the idea of perception more closely, especially individual perception – which differs from individual to individual – then a second consideration arises in regard to »fragments of RGB.

laub, kiefer gbr
Libauer Straße 16
10245 Berlin

O (Omicron)

When opened, Hala Stulecia was the largest reinforced concrete structure in the world. With a diameter of 65m it was home to the largest dome built since the Pantheon in Rome eighteen centuries earlier.
By using references such as Fritz Lang’s Metropolis or the utopian projects of Archigram to confront the different visions of the future at different times, Romain Tardy and Thomas Vaquié were interested in trying to create a vision of a future with no precise time reference. A timeless future.

O (Omicron)
A permanent installation directed by Romain Tardy & Thomas Vaquié
Hala Stulecia, Wroclaw, Poland…

Origin of the beginning

Chequen el último proyecto de este increíble escultor, maquillista, instalador, performer, o como quieran llamarlo. Levi van Veluw es un artista holandés que ha convertido partes de su cuerpo en un bosque, en una montaña, rocas, cabellos, y otros objetos relacionados con algunas de sus obsesiones más personales…

Ron Mandos Amsterdam is excited to announce thelatest solo exhibition of Levi van Veluw. We warmly welcome you to joinus at the opening reception of this eagerly anticipated show onSaturday the 21st of May from 5 to 7 pm, at which the artist will be present.

The artist has created 3 “rooms” covered withmore than 30.000 wooden blocks, balls and slats respectively.
(without any digital manipulation) Each“room” is executed as a life-size installation (4m x 2.5m x 2.5m) andwill be presented at the gallery together with photographs and videos. Portrayed in one piece is a desk, a table lamp, a bookcase. Theedge of the table is burned by Levi van Veluw as he had an obsessionfor fire. All of these objects including every inch of the floor, wallsand ceiling is covered in the same material: 14.000  16 cm2 dark brownwooden blocks. The blocks are made by the artist and glued on the wallone by one. The works suggest a narrative world behind the abstractportraits…

Origin of the beginning