Invisible train 

Me encantó el diseño de este tren “invisible”, creado por el arquitecto Kazuyo Sejima para conmemorar los 100 años del tren urbano Red Arrow, utilizado en varias ciudades de Japón. Obvio no es realmente invisible, pero su estilo futurista esta formado por una superficie exterior completamente reflejante, lo que lo hace fundirse muy bien con el paisaje…

Not content with 200mph bullet trains, Japan is set to get an ‘invisible’ train.The carriages will be coated in a semi-reflective surface, making it appear to almost disappear. Japanese architect Kazuyo Sejima was commissioned by the Seibu Group to design a new version of the firm’s Red Arrow commuter train for the company’s 100th anniversary…

Invisible art

Aquí hay varias coas difíciles de creer:

1. Una artista canadiense está creando arte invisible
(organiza exposiciones en galerías donde no pone nada ni en las paredes ni el resto sus espacios)
2. La artista se llama Lana Newstrom, y tiene solo 27 años
3. La gente se está tragando completito el cuento
4. La artista se está haciendo millonaria
5. Con un poco de research descubrí que todo: la nota,  las fotos, la galería, l artista, su representante y su exposición jamás existieron.
6. El arte era en verdad invisible (en todos los niveles posibles)

¿Se acuerdan del cuento del “Las ropas del emperador” de Hans Christian Andersen? Deberían, creo que la idea va por ahí. Pero la idea no tiene ni siquiera un autor real. Lo que me parece un acto de genialidad. Anónima, pero genialidad.
Aun así, me queda claro que el mundo del arte contemporáneo está viviendo una crisis. Seria…

27-year-old artist Lana Newstrom says she is the first artist in the world to create invisible “art.”  In this documentary, CBC Radio traveled to her empty studio to learn more about Lana and her unusual  artistic process.

According to Newstrom, “Just because you can’t see anything, doesn’t mean I didn’t put hours of work into creating a particular piece”.

“Art is about imagination and that is what my work demands of the people interacting with it. You have to imagine a painting or sculpture is in front of you,” says Newstrom.  Paul Rooney, Lana’s agent, believes she might be the greatest artist alive working today: “When she describes what you can’t see, you begin to realize why one of her invisible works can fetch upwards of a million dollars.” said Rooney.

Learn more about Lana Newstrom and her invisible art here…

Invisible art

Invisible Girlfriend

Esta se me fué: hace 4 meses salió una aplicación que te permite tener una novia virtual, que te busca, te manda fotos, mensajes con corazoncitos, y hasta se pelea contigo. Hoy salió la versión para mujeres, o sea, para tener todo un galanazo mandándote amor (por tan solo $24.99 dolares mensuales).

¿Soy solo yo o alguien mas cree que esto es lo más triste del mundo?…

It has come to this: an app that will help you invent a fake boyfriend. It’s called Invisible Boyfriend, and its significant other-creating services — including texts, calls, and handwritten notes — can be yours for just $24.99 a month.

Invisible Boyfriend first previewed a version of its service, Invisible Girlfriend, back in 2013. But both girl and boy subscription services were, well, invisible until they officially launched Tuesday.

The company says it’s not just for people who want to create the illusion of having a significant other. Sure, you can use it to trick your friends and family but it also “creates a safe space for you to practice texting with a real human if you’re out of practice,” the company writes on its blog.

They also note the app can even be of use to you even if you have an IRL significant other. Because what relationship doesn’t need a little manipulation? Says the company: “Sometimes it even inspires just enough jealousy to jolt that special person into committing.”

The whole thing sounded bizarre, and more than a little creepy. So of course, I had to try out the service for myself.

You begin by choosing a name, age, photo, and personality trait for your invisible partner (there’s also an Invisible Girlfriend service, so no one is left out; the whole thing is LGBT friendly, too.)

The site even lets you create a backstory for how you met, though I chose to keep the one it automatically generated, which was something about us getting our drinks mixed up at Starbucks (swoon)…

Invisible Girlfriend

Invisible vending machine

Una buena campaña para San Valentín: una vending que es olo visible (y  da Coca-Colas) solo para quienes llegan en pareja…

To spread some love and happiness on the past Valentine’s Day, Coca-Cola created an ‘invisible’ vending machine that only reveals itself to couples. 

When couples walk past the hidden machine, it lights up and asks for their names. 

After playing some beautiful visuals, the couple will be presented with a pair of custom Coca-Cola cans with their names printed on them. 

Sadly, the machine doesn’t show itself to singles—who rightfully deserve some cheering up on Valentine’s Day…

Invisible vending machine

Invisible man

Artist and camouflage extraordinaire Liu Bolin just opened a new exhibition at Galerie Paris-Beijing in Paris featuring a number of new works that depict the artist perfectly hidden amongst urban backdrops. Remarkably the effect is achieved without the use of special effects or Photoshop, rather Bolin is painstakingly painted head-to-toe by a group of assistants using photographs of the area behind him as a guide. “My intention was not to disappear in the environment but instead to let the environment take possession of me”, he says. Bolin’s intent is not to simply hide himself as an individual but suggests the works are statement regarding damage caused by economic and urban development. The show runs through March 10th. (via designboom)… 

Invisible bicycle helmet

La tecnología de las bolsas de aire automotriozes aplicada a este accesorio para bicicleta donde, de la misma manera, el casco sale solo cuando hace falta. Solo la prueba del tiempo (y del uso) podrá decir si inventos como estos son geniales o estúpidos. Me encanta la idea poder “conservarlos” aquí con esa dualidad en su futuro…


People die trying to look cool. Vanity is the sad reason why people don’t wear bike helmets. So two Swedish women set out to invent “the invisible bicycle helmet”, They’ve succeeded, and the end product isn’t a made of clear plexiglass and there’s no lightbending-stealth technology. In fact it’s not really a helmet at all.

 is a rapidly-inflating airbag that deploys from a collar around your neck when you’re in an accident. Here’s how it works, and a video demonstrating this amazing, but still expensive, invention.

The invisible bicycle helmet uses rechargeable battery-powered accelerometers and gyroscopes that detect the typical motions involved in a bike crash. They trigger a tiny gas inflator which instantly fills a nylon airbag with helium. The bag forms a hood around your head that cushions the impact of the street, a car, or anything else you slam into

Invisible bicycle helmet