Un estudio hecho en Korea previene las consecuencias de exponer niños pequeños demasiado tiempo al uso de smartphones y tablets, con el riesgo de desalinerales los ojos (es decir, dejarlos viscos) de manera irreversible.

Papás, están advertidos…

Using smartphones too much can make children cross-eyed

A team of South Korean doctors has found a link between excessive smartphone use and an eye condition in children before the age of five. According to a Telegraph report, doctors at Chonnam National University Hospital in Seoul found that heavy smartphone use has led to children becoming cross-eyed. Strabismus, commonly known as cross-eyed or wall-eyed, is a vision condition in which someone cannot align both eyes simultaneously under normal conditions. One or both of the eyes may turn in, out, up or down. According to the team, children are holding smartphones at a distance of between eight and 12 inches from their faces. The team found that the eye condition in nine out of 12 children was treated successfully when they avoided smartphones for nearly two months. According to the researchers, users should not look at a smartphone screen for over 30 minutes at a time…


Seo Youg Deok 

El escultor koreano Seo, Youg Deok tardó muchos años en perfeccionar esta técnica, basada en una extraña fascinación por las cadenas de todo tipo, que ensambla y solda para crear estas cabezas y figuras humanas.

El detalle y la “vida” que logra darle a este material es impresionante…

“When I first began my work, I was gearing towards reflecting the people of the modern city life. This is because that is what my work was based off of – my view of the society I was living in after coming from the countryside. However, as my work progressed, I began to realize this, also. Like you said, the body and facial expressions not only belong to city people or a certain culture, but it is quite universal. I see this now as I spend my time in Istanbul – the busyness of people’s lives is similar to that of which I see in Seoul. This sort of sight is what causes me to see the universality in the movements and expressions of people everywhere. My work is now about all people and the relationships we have with one another” – Seo Youg Deok…


A. Paul Estrabook

El koreano Argus Paul Estabrook hace estos curiosos poemas a partir de páginas quemadas de libros viejos. Literatura nueva a partir de literatura vieja. Arte en papel, sutil y cuasi-efímero. Una chulada… 

My altered book art explores the malleability of text in the form of erasure and found poetry.  Pre-existing texts from discarded library books are burned away with a soldering iron to create and reveal new poetic narratives. 



She was even more naked
between her legs,
because after all,
it was dubious times;
it was war,
each one biting wide.

Open love- such a lie!
Oh, engulf me here
asleep in the wrecked
phosphorescent bones of logic.
Old he was in trusting anguish.
He was in legs and arms a mile long.

She passes away.
He never went off.
Go in the void of her.
That I did.
There was first of all the puzzles.

Died somehow I had…
always with breath.
I found that obsession
is a machine on long
after the drive in me.
I would rot out with it of course.
We, the last of the line,
never once mated.
So am I nothing?
To Death:
Shape a man on stilts,
age 29.

-More of my work @ www.arguspaul.com

Friend or Foe

Un ilustrador brasileño llamado Butcher Billy se ha divertido de lo lindo haciendo caricaturas del líder norcoreano Kim Jong-Un. Ya había pcompartido por aquí algunos memes de este señor que, la verdad, no ha hecho nada para dejar de merecerse la burla…

13 friends. 13 foes. Pick your favourite and choose a side.

Butcher Billy. Giving North Korean supreme leaders what they really want: loads of attention and a place in worldwide pop culture stardom.
Obama can thank me later if this works out. And I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantuckett Island, as a reward for all the countless lives I’ve saved by bringing the dictatorship megalomania to a swifter then imagined end. Do you have all that, sir?…

Can you name all of them?
Write in the comments below and you
might get a free Kim Jong haircut.
Add Butcher Billy as a Friend or a Foe


Yong Ho Ji

Ya había compartido algo de este artista koreano llamado Yong Ho Ji, que hace esculturas con llantas viejas. Pero su trabajo es tan bueno que lo volveré a hacer, tomando como pretexto lo último de su obra, donde ahora se ha enfocado mas en temas mitológicos, monstruos y seres ficticios. Una chulada…

These monsters and freaky animals originally lived as tires long time ago, but after their adventurous lives none of them were thrown away. An artist named Yong Ho Ji has turned them into incredible, disturbing sculptures of monsters, creatures and other assorted animals. Check out some of his best works…


Passport ruined

Seúl, Corea del Sur.- Un ciudadano chino quedó varado en Corea del Sur porque la fotografía de su pasaporte era irreconocible pues su hijo de 4 años le dibujó una barba y le hizo unos ojos más grandes, entre otros garabatos…

This picture of a Chinese passport apparently defaced by a four-year-old boy has gone viral around the world, but is it a hoax?

According to reports in China, the boy used his unfortunate father’s passport as a colouring book during a family trip to South Korea.

The man’s face was given dark eyes and a large beard and drawings of animals and scribbles appeared all over the official document.

He was reportedly stuck in South Korea because officials would not accept the “unrecognisable” identification….


Shadow QR codes

Aunque los QR codes son algo ya no tan nuevo, últimamente me he encontrado con varias maneras innovadores de aplicarlos en publicidad. Vean esta, donde el QR se forma con sombras para liberar promociones en un supermercado en Korea, y elevar sus ventas a ciertas horas del día…

Generally I think QR codes are a lame stopgap technology. But this application by the Korean retailer Emart is fairly clever. They deployed 3D “Shadow QR codes” that only work during certain sunlight hours, lunchtime specifically. I could imagine this kinda thing being a fun clue in an alternate reality game. “In Seoul, retailer uses 3D QR codes and the sun to deliver discounts only during its quiet times”…


Shadow QR codes

June Bum Park

Like a young boy playing with his toys, korean artist June Bum Park guides and protects the people in the miniature play worlds of his video works with touching tenderness.

Through a clever shift of perspective, the most ordinary of environments are transformed into extraordinary scenes in which the artist’s hands interfere with the forces and currents of our everyday lives in a way that is both comic and comforting.

Videos by June Bum Park. Love these – what a simple idea!


June Bum Park