Scrotum back-pack 

Lo que faltaba en el mundo: una back-pack de testículo. Fué diseñada recienmente por el artista de efectos especiales C.J. Goldman, y no sé si esto coincida en algo con el mes que corre (noviembre), donde se hacen varias campañas de conciencia en pro de la lucha contra el cáncer de próstata (como el famoso “Movember”), o si sea simplemente otra de esas ociosidades vacías tan exitosas y trendys que genera internet.

No sé. No quise leer demasiado, no pienso comprar la maldita bolsa, aunque si me daría curiosidad ver la reacción de la gente al rozarlos con algo así en lugares concurridos, como digamos, el metro a hora pico. Como sea, el invento se está captando bastante atención (entre los hombres al menos), muchos están dispuestos a comprarlo y puedo pensar que si se llegaran a poner de moda estas cosas, sería un buen statement en pro de la liberación masculina. Si existe tal cosa.

Chicas, your move…

Some people wear their heart on their sleeves, but if you’ve ever wanted to wear your balls on your back, one Indiegogo campaign is going to give you that ability, for the low, low price of $69.

The ball bag, appropriately named the Scrote’n’Tote: The Satchel of Life, is the brainchild of Daniel Bitton. Last year, a picture of Bitton wearing his sac received some attention online, sparking thousands of like-minded individuals to think, “Hey, I really need a backpack that looks like a hairy nut sack.”

Según reporte del canal KTUL de Tulsa, Oklahoma, dos hombres que comparten un departamento fueron hospitalizados luego de que una discusión sobre cuál teléfono es mejor (Android o iPhone), terminó en una pelea con puñaladas y heridas graves. ¿Somos o no somos una sociedad en decadencia?…

Two men are hospitalized after an alcohol-fueled argument began over which phone is better: iPhone or Android.

Tulsa police say a woman found a man covered in blood, stumbling around the parking lot of the Evergreen Apartments around 1 a.m.

When police arrived at the apartment complex, they learned that the roommates had been drinking and arguing over their mobile phones.

Police say the two men broke beer bottles and stabbed each other with them. One of the men smashed a bottle over the back of the other man’s head.

Police aren’t sure who they will charge or if charges will be filed at this time. Both men are being treated at an area hospital for their injuries….

Under the skin

Una película de sci-fi (bastante experimental, parece) sobre un futuro  donde las mujeres se comen a los hombres. Hasta ahí..

Based on a book by Michel FaberUnder the Skin is about sex and consuming men—like actually eating them. Now, is that the craziest thing to ever happen in an Alien horror film? Hardly. But with Scarlett Johannson’s powerful performance in the starring role along with the whole film feeling like its an art house piece, and you get one truly unique piece of sci-fi filmmaking.

Where alien sci-fi à la Ridley Scott is much more action-packed, director Jonathan Glazer’sUnder the Skin is much more of a slow burn with a majority of the movie’s 108 minutes spent with Johansson prowling Glasgow for unsuspecting men, seducing them, and then, you know, eating them. Glazer has even said that some men they picked up while filming didn’t even know they were in a movie at all. The movie does hit a few dull moments but patience pays off with a truly bizarre ending that I still don’t know what to make of…

Under the skin

Aquí va una información que seguro encontrarán útil e inspiradora. Ya saben, yo siempre actuando en pro de la ciencia…

Ver mujeres desnudas aumenta la inteligencia de los hombres

La investigación realizada en la Universidad de Tampere, en Finlandia, reveló que aquellos hombres que ven con frecuencia cuerpos femeninos desnudos, adquieren una tendencia a desarrollar mayores capacidades cognitivas. El estudio, dirigido por Jari K. Hietanen, determinó que la sensibilidad del cuerpo y el rostro aumenta al ver mujeres desnudas.

Los investigadores explicaron que los cuerpos desnudos son detectados con rapidez durante el proceso visual, estimulando la onda cerebral occitotemporal N170. El cerebro agranda la capacidad de procesamiento ante señales sexuales excitantes, ayudando a las funciones de apareamiento y reproducción.

Si bien el estudio aplica para ambos sexos, investigadores aseguraron que las respuestas del cerebro masculino fueron más concluyentes ante la imagen de un cuerpo femenino desnudo debido a sus características, estimulando la inteligencia…

Men’s Lingerie

Lencería para hombres tan suave, fina y sexy como la femenina. Llámenme anticuado, pero si esto va ser la moda dominante (cosa que dudo) me declaro oficialmente normcore…

El público masculino es uno de los objetivos importantes para las marcas, sólo que ahora esto ha dado un giro, ya que cada vez más empresas sacan a la venta prendas un tanto peculiares que en otros tiempos habría sido difícil que los hombres utilizaran.

En ropa interior se está experimentado y aparte de que las compañías de moda y el vestido buscan ofrecer mayor comodidad a sus clientes, la principal característica es que ésa ropa, sobre todo la interior, tiene cada vez menos tela y deja poco a la imaginación, como los que presentamos a continuación…

Men’s Lingerie

Pierced, Tattooed

Men in prehistoric Europe scarred, pierced and tattooed their penises, likely for ritualistic and social group reasons, according to a new study.

Analysis of phallic decorations in Paleolithic art, described in the December issue of The Journal of Urology, may also show evidence of the world’s first known surgery performed on a male genital organ. The alteration, or surgery, might have just been for ornamental purposes, or a piercing, the researchers suggest.

Lead author Javier Angulo, chair of the Department of Urology at Hospital Universitario de Getafe in Spain, explains that, like today, tattooing and manipulation of body parts have always functioned as a way for people to express themselves.

“[People] may feel that scars are a written story on the skin,” he said.

“Making scars, holes to pick bones, and also writing on the skin – tattooing – may add meaning to an otherwise ‘silly body,’” he added. “If one or several marks became popular or fashionable, they may be culturally elected as ‘fancy’ and ‘desirable.’ The face and areas around natural orifices are parts of the body with a higher tendency to be decorated and shown”…

Pierced, Tattooed

Time is killing us

El entedimiento actual que tenemos del “tiempo”, incluyendo nuestras formas de medirlo y de adaptar nuestras vidas a esas medidas, es solo uno de muchos intentos fallidos por evolucionar. Chequen este artículo de NPR…

The Tyranny Of Modern Time

Today is the autumnal equinox, when the hours of sunlight balance the hours of night. For most of human history the equinox — connected as it was to the harvest — was celebrated with elaborate festivals, rites and rituals. The equinox was a compass point. It was a mile marker for the lived year. Life was experienced through sky and season rather than through the construct of the clock. The equinox bound human communities together in a shared time that was both personal and cosmic.

Today hardly anyone notices the equinox. Today we rarely give the sky more than a passing glance. We live by precisely metered clocks and appointment blocks on our electronic calendars, feeling little personal or communal connection to the kind of time the equinox once offered us. Within that simple fact lays a tectonic shift in human life and culture.

Your time — almost entirely divorced from natural cycles — is a new time. Your time, delivered through digital devices that move to nanosecond cadences, has never existed before in human history. As we rush through our overheated days we can barely recognize this new time for what it really is: an invention.

It’s an invention that’s killing us…

Time is killing us