Emoji Miley

Hace poco salió una página llamada emoji.ink con una web app en la que el internauta puede usar prácticamente cualquier “emoticon“ como pincel. Con eso nació esta forma de net-art basada en pintar con emojis. Chequen por ejemplo el trabajo del artista e ilustrador Yung Jake 

A few weeks ago we wrote about a new online appemoji.ink, that lets you draw with any combination of the 722 emoji available on iOS. As we predicted, it didn’t take long for Internet art kids to get a hold of the tool and have some fun. Rapper and net artist Yung Jake, who in the past has written about glitch art and dealing with break ups online, beat the competition to create the first real emoji paintings…



Me gustaría saber quien es la menta maquiavélica detrás de este tio de GIFs…

Justin Bieber’s wild Thursday, which started with an arrest for DUl and drag racing, is slowing down now that the 19-year-old has been released from police custody

Though the singer hired power attorney Roy Black to handle his case, the public’s reaction to the controversy is hard to contain. #JustinBieber is trending on social networks, and his mug shot is plastered across the web. 

With new details about the arrest still emerging, many are drawing their own conclusions. And the Internet has come to agreement on one thing in particular: Bieber looks a lot like Miley Cyrus in his mug shot.

Netizens are bound to uncover more viral treasures as Bieber’s legal drama unfolds, but for now, that’s all folks...
