The Amen Break

Les dejo un “recorrido musical” por el  breakbeat amén, el más famoso breakbeat (entiéndase patrón rítmico) y sampleo (entiéndase sonido reutilizado) de todos los tiempos. Todo el mundo lo ha escuchado, aunque no sepa de dónde vino. Y lo que es bastante injusto, es que “Los Winstons” (sus creadores) nunca habían recibido un solo centavo por ninguna de las miles de canciones que lo usan.

Hasta ahora, que se ha creado un sitio a través del portal, donde la gente puede hacer donativos voluntarios a tan valiosa aportación al mundo de la música. Dejo la liga por si quieren unirse a la causa. Deberían, seguro hasta lo han bailado…


The owner of music’s most influential sample is finally getting paid

The “Amen break” is arguably the most important 6 seconds of music ever recorded. With the popularization of sampling, the 4-bar drum solo (originally from The Winstons’ 1969 track “Amen, Brother”) become a mainstay of early hip hop, before being sped up and chopped to become the breakbeat that defined jungle, drum ‘n’ bass and techno music. Despite it featuring in many, many successful tracks, The Winstons never received any royalties for use of the sample, something that a new crowdfunding campaign is hoping to fix. A GoFundMe page tilted “The Winstons Amen Breakbeat Gesture“ is looking to raise as much money as possible for Richard L. Spencer, The Winstons’ lead vocalist and “Amen, Brother” copyright holder.

Spencer has always maintained he and his fellow band members deserve compensation for use of the sample. In a 2011 interview, he lamented that Gregory Coleman, the drummer that played the famous break, “died homeless and broke,” and urged musicians that had found success using the sample to give something back. After just a day, the total raised by the campaign stands at over $4,500 — just a fraction of what the sample has earned others, but not a bad start….


Hace tiempo compartí (tristemente) lo que era el Tweet mas reenviado de todos los tiempos, perteneciente a la cuenta de Ben Savage (un actor estadounidense).

Ahora con la misma decepción les comparto el hashtag mas usado de todos los tiempos, según cifras: #vote5sos

No se sientan mal si no saben de que se trata, o si no les gusta el grupo musical (la “boy band” 5 seconds of Summer) al que hace referencia, que participó en una suerte de votación on-line, para unos premios de MTV. Yo no los conocía, pero es música comercial para pre-adolescentes. Aún así, el dato es valioso ¿no? Creo que dice mucho sobre quiénes están mas en internet y qué hacen.

Hasta aquí…

When armed attackers stormed the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris this week killing 12 people, there was an immediate outpouring of grief and outrage. Within hours of the attack, the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie (“I am Charlie” in French) began appearing on Twitter. By Friday, people claimed it had become Twitter’s most popular hashtag ever.

It’s not. The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie has generated millions of tweets with Twitter France reporting more than 5 million. For the sake of comparison, the #WorldCupFinal, which was held in July of last year,generated 32.1 million tweets. During last summer’s MTV Video Music Awards, the hashtag#vote5sos, generated 78 million tweets…


Most Retweeted Tweet

I’m going to be a father! Well, on TV at least. The “Boy Meets World” sequel is officially happening! – @BenSavage

Esta nota de Mashable presenta un listado de los Tuits  (“Tweets”, si les ofende que lo castellanize) mas Retuiteados de toda la historia de Twitter -o dicho más simple, de los mensajes más reenviados-.
Como la nota lo advierte y lamenta, el uso mas común que la famosa plataforma de micro-blogging ha encontrado, no ha sido para difundir ideas revolucionarias, noticias relevantes, o información útil para la mayoria de la gente, sino una mezcla absurda de comentarios y fotos personales de gente famosa, principalmente del mundo del espectáculo.
Si, es triste pero en fin, el que internet esté lleno de basura no es precisamente culpa de internet…

So, on the eve of Twitter’s initial public offering, we took a look at what Twitter-tracker Favstar says are the most-retweeted tweets of all time (though none is more than a couple years old).

This seems like the best metric for measuring Twitter success, given that the network’s defining feature is the rapid spread of information. And yes, we understand this list is not totally comprehensive or perfect: for example, it leaves off Barack Obama’s re-election tweet,which garnered more than 789,000 retweets. And there are tweets from Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and a Green Bay football player noted here that should be on the list, but don’t change the analysis. So, as a caveat, let’s say FavStar is not canonical, but it is instructive.

Notably missing from the list: political figures, revolutions, breaking-news events. While most individual Twitter accounts feature a mix of entertainment, news and interpersonal interaction, when you average out the sea of tweets, we find gray platitudes from famous people.

OK, here we go, from No. 12 to No. 1, ranging from roughly 45,000 retweets up to 110,000:

Most Retweeted Tweet