The Black Knight

Esto no se ve (o lee) todos los días: un mensaje extra-terrestre real, supuestamente enviado por un extraño satélite de orígenes no-humanos que orbita nuestro planeta desde hace mucho más tiempo del que podríamos aceptar (12,600 años), y que por supuesto ha sido una de las cosas más encubiertas y desmentidas por la NASA desde los años 50s. No los convenceré de nada, pero aquí esta la nota completa… y el mensaje, proveniente supuestamente desde Izar, una antigua estrella doble en la constelación de Epsilon Bootis, a 210 años luz de aquí:

Start here.
Our home is epsilon bootis.
which is a double star.
we live on the 6th planet of 7 – check that, 6th of 7 –
counting outwards from the sun
which is the larger of the two.
our 6th planet has one moon,
our 4th planet has three,
our first and third planets each have one.
our probe is in the orbit of your moon
this updates the position of arcturus shown on our maps.

El mensaje es amigable y cumple una función meramente informativa (de ubicación y descripción básica del sistema de donde proviene). Pero en fin, siempre será más fácil decir que es falso. Y mas hermoso que es real…

Space is filled with many mysterious objects, many of which are on the edge of our ability to perceive the universe. However, there could also be some unexplained objects closer to home – in fact, they could be orbiting (and watching us) right now.

I’m talking about the Black Knight Satellite – an object which, according to some, has been orbiting the Earth for nearly 13,000 years. This is how the story goes:

According to most sources, the story of the Black Knight Satellite begins with the space race in the 1950s. It is claimed that in 1954, NASA discovered a large unknown satellite circling Earth on a polar orbit. Initially, they believed it was some kind of Russian space object, but it was quickly confirmed that it was not. At this point in time, neither country in the space race had the ability to launch such objects out of the atmosphere. Other reports also claimed a strange signal was broadcasting from the object…

The Black Knight

Totally human

Otro mito desmentido: Los dibujos de Nazca. Se probó que no hay razones para pensar que esto es de origen extraterrstre. Quedan un par de misterios al respecto (cada vez menos) como el uso que se le daba explicado al 100%. Pero no tiene que ver con el origen de las figuras, las cuales podrían haber sido hechas perfectamente por humanos de la época…

Well known Skeptic, Joe Nickell, was able to reconstruct the geoglyphs in a remarkably short time using basic, simply reproduced, and most certainly available instruments for the time. Nickell’s, his two cousins, a friend, his 11-year old nephew, and father reproduced the 440 foot long Condor in just over a day and a half (baring time off due to rain).[2] They used merely a knotted rope, stakes, and a T-square they constructed from two pieces of wood. I really recommend the article; it’s a pretty good example of how the Nazca and their ancestors could have produced the geoglyphs without alien help.

So, now we know how the glyphs were probably made, we have a pretty solid theory on why the glyphs were made, we even know a fair bit about the culture of the Nazca (though I haven’t touched on that here). We’ve got the How, the Why, the When, and even the Where. At every point we know humans did this, and not once is an outside force required to accomplish any of it.

I would hope at this point that I’ve provided enough evidence to remove aliens from the picture. I can show that the geoglyphs were most probably a cultural tool used to create a sense of community and possibly served ritual purposes dating from about 400 BC till sometime after 600 AD [3]. I have shown that they could have been created using nothing more than a sketch, knotted rope, and T-square [2], all of which was available in that time period. There is also the well known C-14 dates of the pottery sherds and burials associated with the lines, which help us put the lines into context [2,3]. There is no need to add aliens to the mix, they are unnecessary. They create a complication that is not needed since everything has a simple, human explanation…