Choose your own adventure

En este artículo se conmemora la muerte de R.A. Montgomery, un escritor de Vermont reconocido por crear unos libros infantiles a finales de los 70s, llamados “Choose your own adventure”, y donde el lector podía escoger que acciones tomar, lo que afectaba la narrativa de la historia y hasta el final de la misma.

Por lo mismo, se le atribuye ser uno de los primeros escritores que juega con la no-linealidad en la literaura (algo que hoy en plena era digital es trivial).

Me pregunto si alguna vez leyó Rayuela (Julio Cortazar, 1963), donde esa misma idea fue aplicada como 20 años antes…

R.A. Montgomery, co-author and publisher of the long-running children’s book series “Choose Your Own Adventure,” which allowed generations of kids to choose from dozens of possible story endings, recently died at his home in Vermont. He was 78, and the cause of death was not disclosed.

“Choose Your Own Adventure” books were an important cultural predecessor to online games and internet narratives that allowed users to play a role in determining the outcome of their own experience.

As the computer age unfolded, Montgomery’s interests expanded to new technology, according to an obituary published on the “Choose Your Own Adventure” website

Choose your own adventure