Roles Change

Para ayudar a crear una mejor cultura sobre cómo debemos cuidar a los ancianos y personas mayores de 50años, la AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) lanzó esta campaña con un sencillo, pero poderoso insight: los roles cambian.
Esta chulada de campaña, que fué creada en conjunto con la agencia publicitaria de Miami Alma Advertising, dice lo que debe decir, y mucho más (solo por eso yo le daríaa un premio). Se vale llorar…

With over 42.1 million caregivers in the U.S., the Caregiver Assistance campaign aims to raise awareness of the resources and information available to help them take even better care of the person who once took care of them. In recognition of caregivers’ essential role in caregiving, these PSAs depict the circle of life, showing how roles change often without us even noticing…


Celebrities and non-profits have been pairing up for a long time to help give good causes some exposure and a much needed PR boost. Below we’ve combed through some of the best videos to bring you nine amazing celebrity-powered social good campaigns. We’ve picked a wide range of stars (from First Lady Michelle Obama to Ke$ha) and a wide range of causes (from malaria prevention to anti-bullying).

There is, however, no way of including every amazing campaign out there. We had to leave some stand-outs behind, like Matt Damon’s work with, Leonardo DiCaprio’s commitment to environmental issues and dozens more. You can check out for a quick cheat sheet on what your favorite celebrity is really up to, or just take a look below for some spectacular examples…
